Henry's Candy Gram

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Henry Danger One Shot
Henry's Candy Gram

It was a rainy Monday in Swellview, but not any rainy day. It was Valentine's Day, and the festivities with cards, chocolates, and candy grams was floating in the air.

"Hey, Henry! Over here!"

Henry looked around the hallway full of students until he spotted Jasper, who was beckoning him over.

"What's up, Jasp?"

Jasper huffed and looked around before whispering, "Have you gotten a candy gram yet?"

Henry smiled. "Yeah, duh. I got mine first thing this morning. Bianca's the best girlfriend ever. I still haven't got a chance to thank her."

"Yeah, well, not all of us have five star fiancées."

Henry sighed. "Jasper, for the last time, a fiancée and a girlfriend are not the same thing!"

Jasper shrugged. "Whatever! The point is, after Courtney and I broke up I don't have anyone to send me a candy gram. So I'm gonna look like a single loser!"

Henry winced. "Welll..."

"You're no help," Jasper sighed, walking away.

Henry laughed and spotted Bianca across the hall, but just as he was about to approach her, the bell rang and she left to head to class.

Henry pulled the candy gram out of his pocket and looked at it once more before heading off himself.


At lunch, Henry found his usual table where he sat with Charlotte, Jasper, Sidney, and Oliver. He held his lunch tray but didn't sit down. "Guys, do you mind if I sit with Bianca today? You know, since it's Valentine's Day and all."

Charlotte cleared her throat and Jasper shrugged. "I guess," He replied.

"Sweet, you guys are the best!" Henry grinned as he walked away to find Bianca's table, but Ms. Shapen stopped him in his tracks.

"Not so fast," She snarled. "You have lunch detention with me this Valentine's Day. Next time, do your homework." She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him off.

"Ah, dang it," He sighed.


By evening, Henry was setting up a surprise dinner for him and Bianca. He then texted her:

Hey babe, can you come over? It's super important.

He smiled at his phone before placing it down and looking at his work. He was just going to take the food out of the oven when the doorbell rang.

"It must be Bianca!" He said excitedly as he opened the door for her.

They hugged. "Can I go dry off somewhere?" Bianca said of the rain. Henry nodded and told her where the bathroom was.

"Oh, and I have to tell you something afterwards. It's about the candy grams," She said, before disappearing. Just after she left, the doorbell rang again.

"Huh," He said. "I wonder who it is." He opened the door to see Charlotte standing in the rain with a busted umbrella.

"Charlotte! What are you doing here?" Henry turned to look inside before jumping outside and closing the door behind him.

"Bianca's inside and she's gonna be out any minute," He said. "She got me a candy gram, you know."

Charlotte reached into his pocket and pulled out the candy gram. "You mean this one?"

Henry nodded, reaching for it. "Hey don't get it wet!"

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Did you try reading it closer?"

Henry read the message on it and squinted, really squinted.

Ciao! Have A Really Loving, Odorless, Totally Tantalizing Evening!


Henry furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah, it was a strange message."

"Did you not bother to notice that the first letters spell my name?!"

"Huh," Henry said, taking a closer look at the candy gram. "Would you look at that? Why would Bianca.... oh."

He looked up at Charlotte and his eyes widened. "Oh."

Charlotte nodded. "Yeah."

"Then... what do I do now? Bianca's inside, and you got me a candy gram, and - and..." Henry sputtered.

Charlotte sighed. "We can do this."

She stepped closer to him and stood on her tiptoes, planting a kiss on his lips. Then she stood down and gauged his reaction.

Henry broke into a smirk. "Yeah, we can do that." And he kissed her back.

Hey guys! I actually really like this one-shot lol. I feel like Dan should actually do this as a Valentine's Day episode or something because I really like it that much and I feel like all the characters were pretty in character.

Please vote and comment, because nothing makes me happier! And tell me if you want to see some BiancaxHenry, JasperxChloe or anything like that! "Ciao" as Charlotte said haha

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