Jeremy's eyes started to close. "Chris, I'm scared. You won't let me die right?" The older male didn't know how to answer. "You'll live, don't worry." Chris dialed 911 as fast as he could. "Hello 911, what's your emergency?" "My friend just puked blood. I think he's dying." There was a long pause. "What!? He puked blood?!" "Yes! He puked blood!" Another pause. "I'm sending perimedics right away. Just stay there." Suddenly, Chris felt his body start to twitch. 'No no no. Please don't do this.' Jeremy slipped from Chris' grasp and landed on the floor. 'Oh God. We're all going to die here.' Then, he remembered Mike. Now he was stuck. He could help Jeremy or see if Mike and Doll are alive. Sighing, he picked up Jeremy bridal style and carried him to the front of the pizzeria. Mike was on his hands and knees panting. "M-Mike? You okay?" Mike's head slowly turned around and looked Chris in the eye. "We are all going to die." The sound of police sirens and ambulances filled Chris's ears. 'Good, now you can get some help.' The door bursted open and twelve cops stormed in, guns ready. "What is going on here?!" Chris placed Jeremy down and walked toward the cops. "Don't worry, I just need to get my friends to the hospital." The cops raised their guns higher. "Don't move!" Chris did as he was told and stopped moving. "What happened here?" Asked one of the cops. Chris didn't know where to start. "Well, all of my friends, including me, are possessed. Most of them passed out." Chris pointed to Doll. "Like her." Clearly the cops weren't believing him so he had to prove it. "How about I show you?" The cops lowered there guns and looked at him. "Fine, go ahead." Chris sighed and tensed up. He felt his body tingle and burn with nothing but pain. "HeRe, Is ThIs EnOuGh PrOoF~? aRe YoU gUyS hApPy~?" The cops only laughed at him. Chris's blood boil as he stepped closer to the officers. "ExCuSe Me~! Do YoU tHiNk ThIs Is A jOkE~? tHiS iS sEriOuS~!" Suddenly, Jeremy sat up and started to scream. Tears streamed down his face as he continued to yell. "LoOk At WhAt YoU dId~ YoU sCaReD hIm~" Chris walked over his screaming friend and grabbed his waist. "CaLm DoWn BaBy~. EvErYtHiNg Is GoInG tO bE OkAy~." Jeremy's screams slowly turned to laughter, dark and quite girly laughter. Chris tried to go back to his original form but it wasn't working. He felt sin and evil rush through his body and straight to his brain. "PlEaSe No~." He whispered to himself. "NoT nOw~." Chris grabbed a fork from the table and turned towards the cops. "DoN't RuN~ oR yOu'Ll DiE tIrEd~." There was a long pause between all sounds, causing the cops to slowly back out. "Come on," said one of the cops, "let's go get the paramedics." As the police slowly walked out of the pizzeria, Chris placed the knife down and looked around. "Thank God that worked. I didn't want to actually get possessed." Chris walked over to Doll and kissed the top of her head. "If Mike dies, you're all mine. No matter what." He chuckled to himself as he picked her up bridal style. "There is no way I'm going to let him keep you. He isn't right for you. He's rude and evil, I mean, look at what he did to you. You deserve a better man."
Screw you Chris