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nd here EXOtics, are some EXO facts.-Baekhyun always take care of Kai and Kai will always look out for Baekhyun.-Tao once cried because Luhan told him a ghost story and Kris got angry.-Xiumin used to hide Tao's Wushu sticks because he is scared that Tao would use it against him.-Luhan has a strong sense od justice, he would often take the blame of others.-Baekhyun and D.O like to team up to tease Chanyeol.-Kai only dances in the shower when he's in a good mood.-Tao would always ask the other members to take a bath with him. He said that there are two reasons, one is to save time and the other is because he's sometimes scared to take a shower late at night after their schedule.-Lay always bring a bag with perfumes, cosmetics and comb inside.-When Lay misses home, he usually sits on the bed and plays some songs on his guitar.-Xiumin like blueberry flavoured ice cream and Luhan likes mint.-D.O wanted to be a hairstylist but no one in EXO-K wants him as their hairstylist.-Baekhyun like to watch movies during his free time, he'll watch action movies to distress.-Sehun always scare Kai and in revenge Kai would change the computer desktop's picture to a picture of Sehun rolling his eyes.-Chanyeol would sing Korean folk song in the dorm and Kai would throw a pillow at him.-Lay is really close to Kai, he takes care of Kai when he injured his waist.-Kris hopes to improve in his singing and dancing.-Xiumin knows fencing.-Chen likes to eat lamb kebab.-Luhan likes roast duck.-Xiumin likes the movie X-Men.-Baekhyun, Tao and Lay likes Jackie Chan.-Chen said that he has the video of Suho crying saved in his laptop. He and the rest of the EXO members would watch it when they need a laugh.-D.O is the type of guy that loves only one girl at a time.-Luhan is allergic to seafood and he is also scared of heights.-Kai was nervous about dying his hair blonde because he like it in colour brown.-A fan once asked Sehun about his ideal type and before he could answer, Suho came out and said Luhan.-When Kai gets hungry during the night, he will wake D.O up to make him food, but if D.O refused, he will bite his ears.-If any socks in the dorm are damaged, it must have been worn by Lay or Tao.-Tao likes to steal other people's food because he's never full.-When EXO-M almost had a car accident, Baekhyun and Sehun cried the most and Kai joined then to cry.-Xiumin said that his nickname baozi actually came when Luhan saw him naked.-Kris said that the members actually wanted to hang a mistletoe up in the dorm, but due to Chanyeol's fear of plant, they could not.-Kai always brings his handkerchief along when going to restaurants.-When Kai first met Sehun, he really don't know what to do because Sehun will always hive him a smile.-When EXO had their first win, Chen said that he cried but stopped because he saw Suho on the monitor crying like $#@$%^*^$# and Chanyeol said he hugged Suho and told him to stop crying because he looked ugly.-Kai cannot sleep with the aircond when he's having a fever, so he will exchange rooms with Chanyeol and if his head hurts, Baekhyun will hug him.-Sehun said that their parents will send them nutritious package at the dorm and they will eat those diligently and make sure they stay healthy.-Luhan's most embarassing moment was at the airport, he crashed into the glass door because he was too immersed in a conversation with Lay and didn't see it coming.-Baekhyun will go to another member's bed if he is cold.-There is once the members were playing hide and seek and everyone hides in their place but Kris can't find one so he decides to pretend to be an angel statue with a complete attire in the stock room and it took the members 15 minutes to look for him.-Chen likes to hold Kris's arm.-Sehun likes to mess with Luhan's hair.-Tao likes to hold hands with the members but most often with Suho, Kris and Xiumin.-Suho likes pinching Sehun's cheeks.-Kris likes holding Tao's nose.-Baekhyun likes staring at Kris's eyes.-Xiumin likes hugging Chen from behind.-Chanyeol likes holding hands with Baekhyun.-Luhan likes to lean on Sehun's shoulders.-D.O likes patting Kai's cheeks.-Lay likes holding Sehun's shoulders.-Kai like touching and caressing D.O's neck.-Xiumin said that all EXO members like to play truth or dare, but for some reason, it always results in Kris getting naked.-EXO revealed that during their trainee days, Luhan accidentally set the kitchen on fire while cooking and then he blamed it on Kris.-Chanyeol is the heaviest at 75kg, followed by Tao and Kris and Luhan is the lightest at less than 60kg.-Suho is atheletic because he can make 5 goals of basketball from a far distance and Chanyeol doesn't want to play with him.-Luhan likes Bruno Mars.-Kai was once threaten with knives in England.-Sehun is an important member in EXO that keeps up with information such as album sales.-D.O likes to grow cactus in EXO-K's apartment and has apparently named the cactus after each member of EXO.-Because Luhan forces Kris to watch soccer matches with him, Kris purposely annoys Luhan by supporting the opposite team.-Suho wants to have Kai's teleportation, Luhan's telekinesis and Tao's time control.-Sehun and Chen cried while watching Heart Strings.-Sehun says that the most delicious bubble tea flavours are chocolate. honey dew and taro.-Chanyeol says that his charm is his voice when he speaks and rap.-Suho says his Chinese is the best out of the EXO-K members.-Kai says D.O used to put a lot of effort into cooking but now all he does is bibimbap.-D.O and Kai likes to watch variety shows together at the dorm.-D.O and Baekhyun are SHINee Jonghyun's closest dongsaengs. Before debut, they would always play together.-Baekhyun hated girls that nags too much because he himself always nag.-In EXO-M, they clean their room and in EXO-K, they play games and the losers cleans.-When Lay is upset, he would closes his eyes and not talk.-Suho is sensitive to cold while Sehun is sensitive to heat.-The members think that Lay is funny even though Lay said that he wasn't trying to be funny.-Lay would immediately throws his rubbish away while Luhan throws them away in bulks.-Chanyeol one caught Luhan watching Brokeback Mountain on his laptop and ever since then, they have been awkward to each other.-Tao and Xiumin loves anime and K-dramas.-Sehun hides Luhan's rubix cube so that he will not teach Lay how to play.-Chanyeol does not want to call Baekhyun as 'hyung' because he says that Baekhyun is too cute.-Chanyeol has the biggest feet in EXO-K. His feet is 280mm which is a size 10 in the US.-Kai likes to sleep a lot. He says that in the morning, his eyes doesn't want to open.-Kris is very confident with his drawing skills even though he can't draw very well.-Lay replaced Jonghyun's place in SHINee's 2011 concert tour because Jonghyun was injured.-There was once when Luhan was teaching Lay how to play the rubix cube and left Sehun alone for a while.-Luhan is the type that only sleeps in his own bed.-Tao doesn't know how to make someone happy, that's why Kris says he is very innocent.-Baekhyun reads a lot of books about love and relationship so that he could be more experienced in dating.-According to Suho, Chanyeol would sometimes sleep on the sofa but never remember how he got there.-Lay once said that when a member in EXO-M is feeling sad or tired, he would play them a song in his guitar to cheer them up.-Chen says his face looks old while Luhan and Xiumin's face look young.-3 different bubble tea shops have become popular because of HunHan's frequent visits.-When Chanyeol watches Kai's teleport throughout the music video of MAMA, Chanyeol got goosebumps.-When Tao is in Korea, he would follow Baekhyun around.-Tao chooses Suho as the most coward member in EXO because he would hit him when he forces Suho to watch scary movies.-Chanyeol always follows Baekhyun around when they are walking because Baekhyun would often go to the wrong direction.-When Kris is in junior high, his notebook was stolen by a girl who likes him.-Chanyeol likes to eat, sleep and bully Baekhyun while Beakhyun likes to eat, sleep and hit Chanyeol.-Luhan and Tao got hit with a cushion by Lay because they got caught eating his snacks.-Luhan is the type that will voice out when he is angry unlike Lay who will keep it to himself and bottle it up till he explode.-Once Xiumin and Luhan finished practiced early, so they were hiding next to the practice room entrance, wanting to scare Kris. but instead, the result was that he suddenly came out and scared Xiumin and Luhan instead.-Kris often tells really lame jokes that no one wants to hear.-Chen calls himself 'Dancing Machine'.-Sehun is scared of being in elevators alone.-D.O first thought Kai was cold but the more he saw him, the more charming he was.-Luhan thought Chen was awkward because he wouldn't talk much.-Baekhyun says that he always have good grades in physical education.- Earlier when SHINee's Taemin was having long hair, Kai always joked around and told others that Taemin is his girlfriend.-D.O says that Sehun is very tall and Sehun says that Chanyeol is very tall. Chanyeol then said that Kris is very very very tall.-When Kai and Taemin first met, they would argue over dance moves, calling each other's dance moves wrong but in the end the bothe of them are wrong.-Baekhyun admitted that once for a prank, he shaved one of Chanyeol's eyebrows off while Chanyeol was sleeping.-Once Lay hurt his waist at night practising and Chen and Luhan took him to the hospital.-Xiumin lookes like Wonder Girls' Sohee-Suho syas that on stage Baekhyun has eyeliner on so he looked very handsome and feirce but off stage he's like a cute puppy without eyeliner.-Kai said that once he saw Taemin naked and it was very traumatizing. -Lay says that Kris always like to sit beside him and put on some face product for 15 to 30 minutes and Kris would deny it.-Tao said that every time when he and Kris would go shopping, he would have to wait for Kris to style his hair.-Lay will teach Chen how to speak in Changsha dialect.

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