~The Plan~

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  {Skys POV}

Me and Ross walk out of my house and pile into the car. We planned on getting to the offices before anyone else and surprise them about our sort of relationship. We pull into the office parking lot and park. I climb out and drag Ross inside with me. I look at him with a evil grin and climb into the elevator. He looks at me with a questioned look. I smile evilly and dial up my friend Grace.

[G= Grace Sky- S]

G- I am of need?

S- yes, I'm at the offices, 5th floor.

G- Oke, I'll be there in 20, there better be some hot guys, or the deal is off.

S- hahaha whatever.

I hang up and step off of the elevator with Ross.


I pull into the offices parking lot and take out the streamers and confetti. Some big letters, and glitter. I decided to get the glitter because, well, a reaction needs some sparkle to it. I climb the front steps and go through the front door. I climb on the elevator and press the quite big five. The elevator dings and I step off and see Ross and Sky in a office a couple feet away.

{Ross's POV}

I turn around and Sky's friend Grace is approaching us. I look at the bags in her hand and smile. Our plan is going to work perfectly! Since earlier me and Sky haven't touched or got close, probably because of how awkward it was. I mean, we just met after all. Sky pulls out the streamers and starts to help Grace string them up. I take some and attack Jins office with glitter. I take a glue-stick and write letters on the wall and toss glitter on them. Jins checked off the list, now Barneys. I take a big bag of confetti and put some in letters on the floor spelling out words. Then I take the rest and toss it around. I turn to walk out when I saw Y/n and Grace right behind me with glitter and confetti in their hair. The two girls both smiling widely.
    "Could Grace join the crew to?" Sky asks.
    "Sure!" I say with a grin. Grace and Sky Highfive and we walk to my office and lock the door, waiting for the others to arrive to what used to be their clean office.

Lol I'm awesome right? RIGHT?! I know. Well if Ross ever reads this and sees my username.......well yea XD

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