~The Date D:~

945 29 80

[Skys POV]

I close my office door and sigh. Why does having a YouTuber as a boyfriend suck sometimes? I think to my self. I pull up my chair and sit down with a sigh.
"UUUGGHHHH!" I yell, punching my keyboard in the process. Yep, this will get me back in the future. "Karma...." I mumble. I glance over to see Ross speed walking out and onto the elevator. I wonder where he's going, probably a challenge video he didn't want me in... I shake my head to get him out of my mind and start a video.

{Ross's POV}

I speed walk onto the elevator and sigh. God why do I have to do this? I stare off into space, deep in thought until the elevator dings and slides open. Breaking me out of my gaze. I jog to my car and hurry inside. This needs to be done, this needs to be done.... I think on the way there, somewhat worried about my choices in life.
I pull into the Ihop parking lot and climb out as I see Shelby trot over.
"Hay snuckums!" Shelby exclaims. I roll my eyes as she grabs my hand and makes me stroll inside with her. I stare wide eyed at the girl sitting in the booth closest to us snapping millions of photos of me and Shelby. She then looks down at her phone and types furiously. I frown and look at Shelby who is smiling creepily at me from the other side of the table. She frowns.
     "What's wrong honey?" She asks.
      "We are not dating!" I practically yell. I'm seriously about to loose my temper and leave....but Sky.... I soften my frown at the thought of Sky. I love her to much to have her taken from me.... I feel a couple tears sliding down my cheeks and rub your eyes.
      "Ross, babe?" Shelby says.
       "SHUT UP!" I yell at her and stand up. She grabs my wrist.
       "Stop!" She growls. I stop squirming and stare at her with a glare.
       "No." I mumble and rip my wrist from her grasp and run out of the restaurant.

Yo meh cupcakes! Sorry I haven't updated......ye I have no excuse. I've been watching a lot of Dan and Phil....I'm gonna write a book with them in it....actually 2 ya.....I shouldn't but I'm doing it anyway...

Deal wit it.

~Sky out

My One and Only (House_Owner X Reader) {Will be going under construction}Where stories live. Discover now