The discovery

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So the next day me and Annabelle reaserched the shadow figure that I saw. Turns out that it's real and has been haunting me this whole time. But I thought to myself I haven't seen it yet. So maybe it's just a myth. So me and Annabelle just quit reasearching. So later that night we went to sleep and I woke up from something upstairs so then I thought it's the girl in my nightmare. So I awoke my friend and she said she will go with me to look. So we started to walk up the stairs and then all of a sudden I heard a girl crying for her mom so we got scared and the open the door and then the girl was the girl in my nightmare then she said GET OUT!!!!. So I started to think this isn't happening to me this happens in scary movies and then I saw my mom and then she said the one lives shall die the one who died shall live and we both died 

The end

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