Chapter 1

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Marissa pov

I was just laying in bed texting Trevor. It was about 1pm right now and we were bored but to lazy to see each other.

So texting was all we had

Rissa- we should film a YouTube video together again

Trevy- ya you know what do you want to come over

Rissa- I would but my bed is really comfortable

Trevy-ok well I'm coming over

Rissa- lol ok but come through my window

Trevy-ok I'll be over in 10

Rissa-ok see ya

Trevy-see ya

I put my phone down and get dress.

I grab a white crop top, flannel, black ripped jeans and a pair of converse.

I quickly brush though my lightly wavy brown hair and put a thin line of eye liner and some mascara on.

As soon as I finish I hear the special knock only me and Trevor know.

I open my window and he jumps inside.

We laugh

"Hello mr.moran" I say jokingly

"Why hello Mis.Lawley" he says right back

We burst into laughter.

"So what do we do now" he asks

"Film a video" I ask

"Sure one for o2l channel and one for yours" he says

"Ok what's the theme this week" I ask

"Girl week" he says

I then think for a little before giving him a smirk

"Oh no" he says knowing I only smirk when I have a idea "what is it"

"Your being turned into a girl" I say

"Ok... I guess" he says

I laugh because he doesn't but up a fight. But then he smirks back at me. Oh damn it

"What is it" i say and roll my eyes

"Your being turned into a guy" he says

"Fine but you first" I say

We get all set up. I get the make up, clothes, and a wing well Trevor sets up the camera and chairs.

"Ready?" I ask

"Ya" he says

We sat down and started

"Hey guys it's Trevor on O2L and this week theme is girls so I have my best friend Marissa here to turn me into a girl as you can see she is a girl now why don't we start"

After about 30 minutes of me of making Trevor look pretty. I finally did it but for the clothes it was a little hard because I have a very small torso so giving him clothes to put on was pretty hard. But it the end it was worth it.

"So what's your name now" I ask with the camera still rolling

"Ummm I don't know leave a comment saying what my girl name should be but that's about it for this video we filmed a video over on Marissa's channel where I turned her into a boy. But anyways give this video a thumbs up and subscribe I love you guys and I will see you next Friday" he says and then turns the camera off.

He started to take the wing off

"What are you doing" I ask

"Taking this off" he says

"You can do that after we show everyone" I say

We laugh and he agrees.

We walk downstairs and into the living room to see Andrea, Jenn, Alisha and Lauren.

"Hey guys" I say trying that to laugh.

"Hey marissa" Alisha says she quickly looks up then back down at her phone "oh hey Trevor?" She says and looks back up at Trevor then bursts into laughter soon Lauren, Andrea and Jenn looks up from their phones and burst into laughter too.

Me and Trevor started laughing too after about a good 5 minutes of laughing

"First of all What happened Trevor and second how and why is Trevor here" Lauren say

"Wait were you guys doing the dirty" Alisha asks winking at me

I could just feel my face turning red

"No we were just filming videos" Trevor said and when I looked up at him his face was red to.

"Well just remember be safe" Alisha said wiggling her eye Browns.

"I hate you" I say playfully to Alisha

She bursts into laughter

"Well we got to film another video so goodbye" I say to them and me and Trevor walk upstairs to my room

Andrea pov

Wait how to Trevor get in the house

Marissa pov

"Do you just want to go to the O2L house for your video?" Trevor asks

"Ya sure" I say

"Ok" he says "well let's go" he says with his perfect smile

"Wait maybe you want to I don't know look normal" I say

He gave me a weird look for like a second then he got it

"Ya maybe" he says and we laugh

"Could you help me " he shyly asks

"Ya sure" I says with a small laugh

Trevor pov

"Ya sure" she says with small laugh

I love when she laughs. Woah why am I feeling like this now.... I'm like heating up and my heart is racing...Wait do I like her. I can't she's my best friend we will never be more or maybe we can



I changed into my normal clothes and take the wig off.

We then sat down and Marissa took a make up wipe and started taking the make up off.

I just look into her blue eyes well she takes the make up off.

Marissa pov

As I'm taking the make up off of Trevor. I see that Trevor is just looking at me. I can feel my heart beat speed up and I feel my self start to heat up.

What is happening. Wait do I like Trevor. No I can't he would never like anyone like me.

Are faces were pretty close together.

"Done"I say quietly because we are so closes

"Awesome" he says at the same volume

We just look at each other and start to lead in when....

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