"Excuse me, I'm sorry, Barbie"

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Just as I sit down, Karlee and her "attack dogs" aka Haden and some other Barbie like girls ,that would probably lick the bottom of her shoes if Karlee told them too, walk up. "I heard about what happened with you in Oliver in the hallway, he is mine you will regret it if you don't stay away from him. By this time I can feel the whole cafeteria's eyes burn through me.

Am I the only one that notices that Her clothes probably couldn't get any tighter?

I smirk. " Excuse me, I'm sorry Barbie, but I don't speak slut, so can you repeat that ,but in a different language, so I can understand?"

Man, I have some AWESOME comebacks!

After a pop sound, my head moves slightly to one side, and I feel my cheek burn for a moment.

Did she really Just slap me?!?

"Oh, please." I stand up ,then punch her right square in that little perfect nose of hers. I felt the warm, moist blood from her nose, on my knuckles. She gasps and bring Her hands up to her nose as a single, silent tear roll down her cheek. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe you Just did that!! It hurts like really freaking bad and I just got a nose job last Tuesday!!" I hear somebody whisper "It looks broken" As Karlee started to storm off towards the bathroom, she yells "THANKS ,FREAK!!" I yell back at her " YOU'RE WELCOME, B----!!!"

Omg did I just actually cuss?!?!? I'm gonna get in so much freaking trouble!! Calm down Jamie, calm down. It will be ok. No, it is not going to be ok at all!!

Her attack dogs run after her as she rushes off to the bathroom in her heels. *click* *click* *click*


I sit back down and stab my food with my plastic fork. The whole cafeteria is staring at me. I wave my hands "I gave you something to look at, It's over, that's all for now folks!" I focus back on my table. Alexa, Eddie, and Levi are all just sitting there with their mouths wide open. "Are you all just waiting for a bug to fly into your mouth or what? I'm pretty sure we are not at the dentist's office either." They all close their mouths. Alexa smiles "You gave what she was asking for, Jamie, I have taught you so well." Eddie let's go the breath he was holding. "That was so amazales! Pinch me, am I dreaming?!? I hope not!" Levi pinches him. Eddie yelps "ouch!!" Levi laughs. "Eddie, I guess that really Just did happen. I wasn't expecting to see that today." I blush.

Suckers! Ha Ha!! They didn't think I had it in me, but boom! Batta! Bang! Boosh! I did it, they all thought I would really do it. But guess what? Ms. Little innocent was born for this! Booyah! In all of your sucker faces!!

"I myself have to say that was pretty cool of me. In other words awesome!" We all bust out laughing.


I walk into algebra and sit down, in the very back, and bury my face into a book, hoping that nobody would say anything about the little uhh... disturbance at lunch.

The bell rings and the teacher gets up and walks to the front of class. "Well this is algebra class, obviously, and my name is Mr. Bryan's." Just as he finishes his introduction, the intercom comes on. "Mr. Byrans, the principal Mr. Higginsbottom needs to see Jamie Callaway. Tell her to bring her stuff too."

Mr. Byrans sighs. I hear a bunch of hushed whispers as I get up, grab my stuff, and walk out the door.

I finally get to the office after getting lost twice. Did I forget to mention I have a terrible sense of direction.



I walk into the office and see Jamie sitting on the bench in the office waiting to see the principal. She signs "why are you here Oliver? Don't tell me you punched the schools barbie in the nose too?" I laugh. "No, one of the teachers caught this random chick trying to kiss me in the hall and I was like no, go away, I'm not in the mood. But the chick kept on trying to kiss me, then the teacher saw us and she was like "what's going on here Lockwood?!?" I said "nothing." The teacher sighs angrily. "Then why were you trying to kiss this girl?" Then the girl just walked away like nothing happened. I replied "You got this all wrong teach. She was trying to kiss me, I swear, I didn't do anything!" The teacher laughs. "Lockwood, you really expect me to beleive that lie? We all know this was your fault!" I laugh "it was not my fault, I can't help being the sexy beast, that I am." Then she got all angry and screamed "GO TO THE OFFICE RIGHT NOW LOCKWOOD!!!" And so here I am now. Its not as cool as your "crimes" though." Jamie laughs "Good one, "sexy beast." she made air quotes when she said that. I put my hand over my heart and pretend to be hurt.

So does that mean she thinks I'm a sexy beast or not?!? Who wouldn't? I swear I will never understand her!?!

"So Jamie, you wanna escape the cruel punishment of Mr. Higginsbottom?" She rolls her eyes at me. "Sure, but how?" I smirk. "Follow me." I take her hand and then I lead her out of the office and out of the school doors.

Yeah, we finally got the update done. It took like for freaking ever!

That was the first part In Oliver's pov. He is just full of himself isnt he?

Did you know Jamie has an 11 year old little brother? No? I didnt either, I think we will get to meet him in the next chapter.

Wasn't that a great first day of school for Jamie? She really made a impression did she not? XD

Cya my lovlies

-Emilly and Trina

we are not gonna be writing over Christmas break or summer , sorry guys.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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