The Night Before

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*Ring Ring Ring* My phone buzzes nonstop from the alarm. It's 4 in the morning.


I awoke to find myself passed out on Maddy's floor. Last night was crazy...

The Night Before: 8pm
I pull up to Maddy's house to find a few of the homies over smoking a blunt on the porch. Austin, Abraham and I grab the 7 bottles of Burnett's and baggy's of xanax and proceed to get out of the car. Alex runs from the porch to the car screaming

My homegirl Santana, it's felt like forever since I've seen you

Walking on her little stone pathway, I walk towards the big wooden door. Twisting the gold doornob, I push the door open to find the house filled with smoke. Maddy's pit bull jumps on me in excitement.

Hey Cleato, where's everyone? I say

The Boys and I, following the loud music and laughter, find everyone else hanging out in the livingroom sitting in a circle. The short coffee table in front of couch was covered in all kinds of paraphernalia, bongs, pipes, dime sacks and lines of coke. All likes of pills making their way around the table. Maddy hears up walk in and jumps up.

Ana, oh my god. It's felt like forever. Maddy says

We both go in for a long hug. She like a little sister, a bestfriend. Been around since 4th grade. After the hug, she hands me the clear blue bong from off the table and a little red lighter. I take a big ass hit of my favorite strain; Blue Dream. I walk over to the kitchen to put the bottles down on the counter. It's already full of so many other bottles; Patron, Jager, Hennessy, Fireball and so many more.

It's been a cool minute simce we've had one of our Saturday night get togethers, huh? I ask

For real, good to get the family back together now that Alex is out. Mateo says, Austin's younger brother.

Alex and Adam are two Puerto Ricans I met back in middle school. They are inseparable. They've been through hell and back with their family. Their mom going to prison and having a deadbeat dad. They've got a better family now; one that's down to ride. Mateo and Austin are just a few years apart but they are like bestfriends. They're know around the city for the drama they cause. From fighting and killing, to armed robbery and slanging drugs. I've know them since about middle school too.

All my friends have made it to Maddy's house and now it time for the party to start. Austin grabs 2 bottles of Burnett's and starts pouring shots.
Alex turns on We don't believe you and everyone starts drinking. As the shots are flowing and our minds are going, we start reminiscing about the good days when we we're younger.

Man, we did some crazy ass shit. We were deep in the drug game fucking with the cartel and shit. Mateo says

For real, whenever we were still fucking with that nigga Marcus, I say

Marcus was an older friend we had. Whwn we met him, we were all about 16 years old; He was 21. He bought us bottles all the time and had the connect to all kinds of drugs. You wanted X, he could get it. Our friendship with him ended quickly. He got involved heavily with the Mexican Cartel and ended up owing them tons of money. Before he got locked up for 3 O's and a DUI, he owed them 4 grand and he had absolutely bo way to pay it off. The money just kept building and building as time went by. Who knows what's come of him now. Haven't seen him in 5 years.

It's about 11pm and everyone's had a good amount to drink. Everyone's words are slurring and getting forgetful. The rest of the night is a blackout.

*Ring Ring Ring* my phone buzzes nonstop from the alarm. It's 4 in the morning.


I awoke to find myself passed out on the floor of Maddy's floor. Last night was crazy...

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