Stories & Reading Lists

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What does my story have to have to be a #ProjectBeYOUtiful story?
Stories showcased on the account should meet the following criteria:
1.) The story must feature at least one character who discusses, stands up for, or goes through an experience where they accept themselves/others, or find their inner/outer beauty. The character(s) don't have to be the protagonist of the story, either. They can be a supporting character or even the antagonist, as long as they are actually shown in the story.
2.) Show action. Instead of just having a character say, "I believe everyone is beautiful in their own way," have them do something to show their support. Whether it's a lengthy speech, a project, going to a rally, volunteering, or just something they do in their everyday lives.
3.) If your story is rated Mature, it cannot be added to the reading list(s).
4.) Don't rush yourself. There is no end date to the campaign and you can enter your story at any time.

How do I get my story added to a reading list on the ProjectBeYOUtiful account?
If a story you have written fits the criteria, add the hashtag #ProjectBeYOUtiful to your story tags and/or description. You can also add the ProjectBeYOUtiful sticker to your story cover. Your story will then be reviewed and added to the "Your #ProjectBeYOUtiful Stories" reading list. Please be patient with us, it may take a couple days before your story is added.

Does my story have to be completed to be on the reading list?
No. As long as you have already introduced the #ProjectBeYOUtiful concept or character representative, your story counts.

If my story is already connected to another campaign, can it still be added to this movement?
Of course! We support other lovely campaigns (such as #ProjectWomanUp and #FreeMentalIllness for example) and it's always good to see our own followers support them too.

What us the difference between the "Your #ProjectBeYOUtiful Stories" and the "Featured Stories" reading lists?
The "Your #ProjectBeYOUtiful Stories" list is for any and all submissions we receive through our hashtag. The "Featured Stories" list is for stories with the hashtag which have over 100k views.

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