The beginning of it all. (Chapter One)

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It was 3:30am when Mark was abruptly woken by a Skype call.

He slowly opened his eyes to see Jacksepticeye's icon on his screen. "Hmm. That's weird." Mark thought. "Jack never calls me first. And he definitely never calls this late."
He jumped out of bed to answer the call from his best friend, worried something might be wrong.

He doesn't even bother putting a shirt on or fixing his bed hair, despite his insecurities. He trusts Jack.

He answers the call & Jack's face appears on the screen.
"Hey Jack, is everything o-" Mark stops his sentence when he notices the tear running down Jack's cheek.
"Whoah! Jack, what happened?!" He almost yells.

"I-I'm so sorry for bothering you Mark, but.. My girlfriend just left me, and.. and I don't have anywhere to stay or anyone to talk to and.. you were the only one I knew who could help.. I'm sorry, Mark."
Mark felt himself getting furious at Jack's now ex-girlfriend. I mean, how could anyone do that to such a compassionate, caring, beautiful person like Jack? Mark knew Jack was in pain. He loved her with all his heart.

"Jack, I.. I'm so sorry. How could she do that?! I swear I'll fucking-"

"Mark, stop. It's fine, really. You don't need to get upset.. I probably deserved it.. " Jack says as more and more tears drip from his crystal blue eyes.
Marks heart drops as he hears those words coming from Jack.
"No.. no please don't say that.." Mark whispers. "You are so much better than her. You don't deserve this..
Jack smiles slightly, but can't bring himself to say anything.
A brief silence passes before Mark breaks it.
"Hey, Jack..?" Mark says hesitantly.
"Y-yeah..?" Jack replies in a sad tone . It breaks Mark's heart to hear such a normally cheery person sound like that.
"How would you like to stay in my apartment for a while until we can find you a new place.."
Jack's eyes widen and he blushes at the thought of finally being able to meet his best friend, and even stay in the same apartment with him.. It seemed too good to be true.

"Well, unless that's weird.. sorry.." Mark sighs, trying not to sound too let down.

"Mark.. I'd absolutely love that. That means a lot to me. Thank you." Says Jack, trying to hide his excitement.

Mark can't help but grin. He wasn't expecting that response but he's glad it's the one he got.
"No problem! So, when should I be expecting you?"

"Hmm. There's a flight to L.A that leaves noon tomorrow, and arrives at 8pm. I could catch that one-" Jack says, then adds "Y'know, if it's not too soon.." blushing and trying not to sound eager.
Mark notices his blushing and chuckles. "No, that's actually perfect. It'll give me just enough time to get my- I mean our- place ready." Mark says with a smirk.

Jack continues thanking Mark and apologizing for calling him so late.
Mark laughs and reassures him that he's never an inconvenience.

They've been talking for over an hour so it's almost 5am, and Mark is getting tired.
"Jack, can we sleep now? I'm really tired and I need to be well rested for you tomorrow." Mark says in his low, raspy voice that gives Jack butterflies.

"Oh, of course." Says Jack. "sorry for keeping you up. Goodnight Mark. Thank you."

Mark smiles brightly as he tells Jack goodnight.
They end the call.

~Mark's P.O.V.~

"Wow.. I'm actually finally meeting Jack.. this can't be happening"
Excitement fills me but then the realization of what's going to happen hits me and I get nervous. Butterflies fill my stomach. Why am I getting butterflies over Jack? He's my best friend.. Yeah.. he's just my best friend.
I try to shake the feeling but it won't go away. I'm so confused, but too tired to care. I'll figure things out tomorrow.
I turn the light off and flop down on the bed, sighing.
I lay on my back with my eyes closed for about 20 minutes, before I drift off to sleep.

~Jack's P.O.V.~

I sit in my chair for a good 15 minutes just thinking about Mark's words. Am I really going to meet the man I've looked up to for years?
And, to be honest, I've had a bit of a crush on him for a while.. but I tried to keep it in the back of my mind.. he probably doesn't even like guys.. "Forget it, Jack. It'll never happen" I repeat over and over in my head.
I try to keep my feelings - if you could call them that- for Mark, in the back of my mind where they've been for a long time.

I sigh as I close my laptop and lay down, covering my face with a pillow. Thoughts of being with Mark fill my mind as I drift off to sleep, anticipating the day to come.

~end of chapter one~

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