getting started

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Ivy's pov

Ugh screw my life. My name is ivy harren (just go with it😓)and I rule over the magic users next to my idiot father Dan herren. Magic users are one of the three groups. The other two are pirates and outlanders. We are the best group cause we can use magic anytime we please! Anyway my is a horrible person and got exiled. I also have a pet cat named hex (awesome name!) she is a black cat with green eyes. Anyway once again, my father wants me to be a proper princess and all that, which means I can't use magic all the time! Which kinda loses the point that I'm a magic user... Whatever. Today is the meeting of the groups the one day of the year where there is no rivalry beteen groups which is good,even though I have to act snobby and proper. I changed into my formal wear which is a purple gown with yellow details. 5 minutes later the coach has arrived and we head on. I have a bad feeling about this...

Nightmare's pov

My name is well ...nightmare! But people normally call me night cause I'm a nightmare dressed as a daydream!(REFERENCE😋) anyway I'm heading for the meeting cause well ivy explained it in her paragraph(HEY! DONT BREAK THE 4TH WALL!)please I do what I Want! I also hear this voice up above me I think she calls her self author-chan? Any way I'm a pirate! Who doesn't have her own ship... My idiot twin calls me lame for that but I have my own butter sword! Who's lame now Baka! Anyway I live with my dog Atticus( happy now a.j?) A.j? Who's A.j? Getting off  topic that dog is my intire world! He's so cute, so adorable...I LOVE HIM TO DEATH!!!!! Even though he clawed my eye off. Yes that's why I wear this eye patch. We where rough housing okay? He is a adorable mini pincher. I normally wear a fake hook cause it looks cool.OH AND I WILL CONTINUE TO BREAK THE 4TH WALL CAUSE I'M AWSOME LIKE DAT!

Blaze's pov

" Phoenix! Stop trying to eat people!!!!!!!!!" My name is Blaze diamonds and currently I'm restating my dragon named Phoenix from eating every one here at the meeting. I am a outlander which means I live by no rules and slap as many people as I want! It's AWSOME! My obisan daggers are safely in their slots where they belong. They are my pride and joy. They are a bit burned because of a stunt we tried to pull by lighting them on fire.ow. Whatever. Phoenix just loves eating anything that's alive except for me of course! Manley humans though, she really loves humans. I live in the fire Devils tribe (outlander are broken up into different tribes depending on what dragons they use!) and my mom is second in command which means if the leader dies without any heirs she leads the tribe. All out landers treasure a special jewel called the lava ruby. It's a jewel that keeps all the dragons under our control, so basically are lives depend on that jewel! Pirates have the hurricane sapphire which I believe keeps the storms at bay. The magic users have the twilight emerald which keeps there magic stable.(plz bear with meh!😓) Back to the meeting, the magic users are finally here! Just like them to be late. wha? Who's that person in that purple cloak? Time to investigate!

Ivy' pov

I brought my cloak along so I could escape my father. Suddenly someone gabbed me from behind. A girl with orange and yellow hair with a black cloak with sky blue eyes is giving me a random death stare. "Who are you?"Um I'm ivy...." Kay...What are you doing here?" I wanted to escape this boring meeting..." Heh... You and me both sister. What are you?"I ...I'm a magic user. Ivy herren..."Cool. Blaze diamond. Nice to meet yo-"ATTICUS" a mini pincher suddenly tackles hex. Oh no he didn't! A girl with brown hair and yellow eyes with a eye patch on her left eye. She has a golden sword in her right hand"I'm sooooooo sorry for him, he usually doesn't run off like dis!" I use a levitating spell on him to pry him away from hex."I'm nightmare btw!"uh ok...I'm ivy and this is blaze." A dark mist starts to fill the meeting room I knew today was going to be trouble...


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So here are the characters 

Blaze: kills every thing that she sees

Night: the wall breaker

Ivy:the weird

        ~windclaw77 <3

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