Villains and wall breaking

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Ivy's pov

Ok black mist is filling up the gigantic room. Ok. What da heck is going on here!? A face of a really ugly lady appears out of no where and goes on a rant about how she stole the crystals and blah blah blah yeah, this is her big villain speech so I let her have her moment. She is just like a cheshe Bad guy. When after like,5 minutes she says have a blast at the meeting then...POOF she's gone! But there's a trace of dark magic. Uh oh...

Nightmares pov

"Ivy?" She's backing away with a terrified look in her eyes.


We all got blasted backwards while I was flipping backwards(Cool guys don't look at explosions, they just flip for days-jacksepticeye) uh.. What? Any way well I think I died cause everything is black now


"Are you guys ok?." Ivy asks in a worried tone. 

"Omg  PHOENIX!!!." My vision clears a black crystal is now surrounding the meeting area. I realized something "ATTACUS!!" Ivy takes a moment  to inspect the crystals. "Stand back..." She she said creating a ball of light in her hands smashing a bit of the crystal away reveling our pets. We ran to our pets. I smushed him a big hug.

"Imsosorrymylovleylittlebaby!" "Sooooooooooooooo what now?"Ivy asks kicking the giant crystal.

"Well it's obviousby hat we have to go defeat the evil ugly lady! And save eveyone! After all she said something in her speech like that!" I say as I stopped hugging my dog."that's author chan's plot after all!" I say as I walked over to the dark and creepy forest 

"Let's go!" They sighed and fallowed me.


Done! 😆 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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