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Okay first chap. All chaps are going to be short because its ya know...a short story. To be honest I don't know where I'm going with this story but I geuss I'll find out as I write it xxx


I'd just reached my street when my phone started to blare out "everybody talks" by neon trees. I smiled to myself, knowing who it would be. My best friend Max. Max is my GBF (gay best friend) and he is probably going to be mad as a kid trapped in a box. "Goodbye"

"YOU LE- wait did you just say goodbye?" His rage succumbing to a bout of confusion.

"That I did my beautiful banana" I smiled into the phone.


"BECAUSE I WANTED TO BE DIFFERENT!!! I thought you accepted me for who I was *sniffs*...guess I was wrong," and then I hung up.

As expected my phone rung again less than a minute later. Smirking to myself I answered. "Yeeeees?"

"Are you done being dramatic yet?"

"Quite possibly my little rabbit."

"Well I just wanted to tell you that I'll be round in half an hour."

"Okay dokay monopoly man I will see you then." Hanging up for the second time I continued on my journey to my personal pot of gold - YES, I am a leprechaun - AKA my house.

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