Disappearing Act

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Don't PLAY! YET!

~- Amber's POV -~ 

I was feeding a bottle of warm milk to Jasper when I was interrupted by a gentle knock on my door. "Amber? it's Zoey!" Zoey called through the door. I got up and opened the door. She was wearing a leafy green dress and brown sandals as always. "Hi!" I said, motioning for her to come in. Her face lit up when she saw Jasper. "EEE! She's perfect!" She squealed. I laughed. "This is my little baby Jasper!" I said. Jasper let out a cute little laugh. "She is really cute! I am not even going to ask about the eyes, though." She added. "Please don't." I giggled.

"Oh, right! How silly of me, here is everything!"She said pointing to a pile of boxes and furniture she left on the floor. "Thanks so much, Zoey! I'll make the guest bed her little nursery!" I said in an excited tone. "Don't mention it! Say, can I help?" She squealed. "If it's not too much, then sure!" I replied. "Let's go, then!"


Wow, that took longer than expected. "Phew, it's perfect! And done! Finally!" Zoey panted. "Yup!" I said. We painted the walls with green stripes, and a little tree in the corner. Three paintings hung from 'the branches' of the tree, right over her dark oak wood crib. She had a little dresser with toys on the wall next to the door and a little white chair with chocolate brown swirls for me to sit. 

" Alright, well, I better get going. I'll see you around!" Zoey said. I smiled at her, and she returned it. "Thanks again, Zoey." "No problem! At all! Hehe, if you ever need a hand, you know who to talk to." She said stepped over the threshold of my front door. I smiled at the sleeping Jasper, whom I picked up off the couch and placed on her crib.

"Wow, did you do this all by yourself?" Said a voice behind me, startling me. "Ugh! Garroth, you scared me! And no, Zoey helped me." I said irritably. "Haha, sorry, love. She is very kind, isn't she, Zoey?" He replied. I turned to look at him. "Yes, quite. We're lucky to have a friend like her." I said. "Yeah. Do you notice how she's always blushing and stuff?" He ask. "Er, she isn't. Maybe she just is around y- *le gasp*. She likes you!" I say. "She... she likes you.." "Come on, I'm sure she doesn't." He said. "No, no she does.. I mean, you don't like her back, do you?" I say. His facial expression immediately changed. "Of course not!" I smiled at him. "Okay... I just hope that doesn't get in the way of our friendship." I said. He returned my smile. "You are so nice... how are you always so perfect?" He asked. "Perfect? I'm broken... but.. your fixing me.." I say quietly. "I would never fix what's not broken." He replied. I shook my head. Then leapt on him, quietly weeping on his shoulder. Instead of asking questions, he put his hand on my back, and allowed me too. I don't even know how I became so emotional..(A/N lol why am I so emotional? No it's not a good look gain some self control!)

"Thank you.." I whispered into his chest. "Thank you." He replied just as quietly. I continued sobbing into his now tear-stained shirt. He picked me up and placed me on my bed before laying on it as well. "You know how many people love you?" He asked. I tried to smile through my quiet sobs. "Sh sh.. It's okay.." He said. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him. I instinctively put my arms over his shoulder. We must have slowly drifted off to sleep like that...

~- Garroth's POV -~

My eyes blinked open and I found myself in Amber's bed. I smiled to myself as I looked at her red and blotchy face. Even when she looks like this she is beautiful. I used my thumb to brush away a streak soft blue hair from her face. Her eyes fluttered open, and she flashed me a small smile. "Hi." She whispered. I chuckled, before looking around her room. I never really looked hard at it. It had birch wood floors, with small black carpet. Her dresser was dark oak wood with black detailing. Fairy lights were hung from the corners of her room, and in the center was her dark oak wood bed with a black canopy. Her sheets were white and the covers were black with white details that were patterned just like the one's on the dresser. She put on hand on my cheek, forcing me to look back at her. She simply pecked my lips. "Come on, we gotta get up, it's not like we can just stay in bed all day." She said. "Or, we can just stay in bed all day." I grinned (Anyone get that reference? If you do, your awesome!). She cracked a smile before tickling me a little bit with her tail. "Shut up and get out of bed!" She giggled. I obeyed, and chuckled at her. She pressed her warm lips against mine before skipping out of the room. "OH MY GOD!" I heard her shout. I ran to her, she was in the bathroom. "What?!" I replied. "I'm a MESS!" She shrieked pointing to the mirror. I rolled my eyes at her. "Your beautiful. I'll see you later, I'm late for my shift." I said, placing my lips on her forehead. She gave me a weak smile. As I looked at her before I was about to turn around. And she grabbed my head and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. When she finally pulled away, she leaned her head towards mine. 

"Thank you." She whispered in my ear. Her wolf ears brushed against my hair as she backed up and closed the bathroom door. God, that girl...

I walked next door to the old guard tower, which was currently also where Zane was staying. I walked in. "Did you come to see me, big brother?" He asked in a bored voice. I ignored him before climbing the ladder to the second floor. I walked into my room.

My armor was resting on my armor stand. I suited up, remembering the days when this was the only thing people saw me as. I was about to place my helm on my head, when something occurred to me. She doesn't have to hide anymore.. so I don't either. Then, I placed it carefully back on the stand, and smiled to myself. Amber has really turned my life around. A turn for the better. I walked out of my room and began descending, preparing to hear the usual remark from Zane, but I didn't. I glanced at his cell, and a surge of panic overcame me. The door was open. And Zane was gone.  All that was left was a small radio put at my feet, where he knew I would be standing when I saw his cell. This wasn't any radio, though. This was my radio. I pressed the play button. "Heh heh, hey big brother. I've always fancied being a magician. Ready to see my disappearing act? Hahahaha!" Zane's voice said through the speaker. I growled. How did he do that? Suddenly, a panicked Amber burst through the door. "GAWD I KNEW IT! I could feel that something was off... what's that?" She asked, pointing at the radio. "Press play. I'll be out looking for that son of a bitch." I said fiercely. "But- his dad is your dad." She said. "I know. My dad's a bitch." I replied before sprinting through the door.

~- Amber's POV -~

A lump formed in my throat as I walked to the radio. I recognize this, I think it's Garroth. I press play. Zane's voice could be heard. His heartless, cold, voice. Should have killed him when I had the chance. Soon, his voice stopped. I pressed play again, but his message wasn't heard. No.. this was.. my voice. When I was singing... before Garroth came in.. he.. he recorded... how did... (Play video)

You shout out loud, but I can't hear a word you say.

I'm talking loud, not saying much.

I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet.

You shoot me down, but I get up.

I'm bullet proof, nothing to lose. Fire away, fire away.

Ricochet, you take your aim. Fire away, fire away.

You shoot me down, but I won't fall. 

I am titanium.

You shoot me down, but I won't fall.

I am titanium.

Omg guys! The feels doe! Okay, so why the heck would I even? WHY!? WHY DID I HAVE TO DO DIS? Don't kill me, plz. Okay, so I was thinking, why don't I do ANOTHER BOOK? More specifically, a reader x garroth book? Eh, eh? Yeah, I think I should. Lemme know what u think in the comments, baii! And, sorry it's so short! Hehe!

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