Act I: Tyler

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I heard the jangle of my keys against the lock on the front door as I cursed the sticky lock, jiggling the key around in the socket, until finally with a small grating sound it let loose and the door flew open, banging harshly again the wall.

Well there goes any hope that Troye is sleeping, I thought grumpily. It wasn't that I didn't want to see him and spend time with him always, it's just that I was getting home on a red eye flight, it was 3.45 in the morning, and didn't want to interrupt his sleep. Lorde knows a grumpy Troye is not something I would currently like to deal with.

"Tilly?" I heard the questioning call from the living room and wondered what he was doing in there, had he waited up for me to get home? What a sweetheart.

"No I'm an axe murderer, just give me a minute I'm taking off my murdering boots so I don't ruin your carpet," I called back gently chuckling to myself as I did actually remove my shoes and place them gently by the stairs, along with my bags. Rubbing over my face gruffly, I made my way to where I could hear Troye's shuffling sounds and the quiet ambience of what sounded like the TV, the flickering lights that were slanting down the hallway confirming my suspicions.

"Oh good, Tilly hates when people wear shoes on the ca-" I heard his mumbling stutter off as he yawned widely, making me smile as I entered the room to find him cross legged and curled in a swathe of blankets in the middle of the floor. He was wearing one of my sweaters and a pair of boxers, his curls ary as he blinked his wide eyes, looking around confusedly.

"Why am I on the floor?" He asked and looked up at me frowning, then back to the floor and his cocoon of rugs and back to me as I put my hands on my hips, silently waiting for him to put the pieces together.

"OH!" He exclaimed eyes flying wide with sudden excitement. "You're home!"

He leapt up, but immediately caught himself in the blankets and tripped back down to sprawl on the floor. Concerned I stepped forward a fraction to help him up but before I could even reach out my hand, he was kicking furiously at the blankets until his skinny legs were free and bounding upright, immediately flying at me and nearly knocking me to the floor as his arms flung around me and squeezed.

"No I'm not. It's a dream," I whispered in his ear, which had ended up conveniently placed next to my mouth, and he shivered against me, smacking the back of my head lightly.

"Shut up and cuddle me."

"Rude," I muttered as my arms circled his waist gently and he pressed tighter against me and sighed. "Someone missed me."

"You were gone for way too long, Ty."

"Mm I know. I missed you way too much. Next time I don't care why you should stay, you're coming with me. I can't stand having to leave you at home."

"Mm you're sweet."

We stayed quiet for a few moments, limbs twined together, holding each other gently as we breathed in sync, taking a few seconds of pure intimacy after the weeks of longing for each other's comforts. I dropped a kiss against his hair and he sighed into me again, nuzzling into my neck and pecking his lips against my skin.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you more," he breathed more quietly than I would have thought possible, but I still heard him.

"Is that so," I smiled against his hair, beginning to slowly spin us on the spot until we were dancing together, wrapped tightly as ever, taking minute steps steps to the beat of our breathing. "That's weird, because I could have sworn I loved you more."


"But I love you to the moon and back?"

"Yeah but, I love you to the sun and back."

Please Daddy - Troyler AU OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now