Act II: Troye

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I had been staring at my cock for the past five minutes, which doesn't seem so unusual if it wasn't for the position I was in. My weight was balanced on my shoulder blades, my legs hoisted up and over my head by lengths of rope snaked around my ankles like cuffs, securing them to the headboard. More rope intricately twined around my arms down to the wrist tying them to the same post as each leg. My straining length was inches from my face and as it was, I was incredibly impressed with myself for actually being flexible enough to achieve this contortion with minimal discomfort.

I could feel my heart racing, but couldn't do much about it. Taking deep breaths were out of the question in my position and the shallow breathing was only served to speed up my heart. Staring at my cock didn't help either; it was already hard and swollen-Tyler made sure of that before he tied me up. He's also responsible for the steel cock ring glinting at me, snug against my flesh where my thundering pulse was nearly visible in the throbbing vein that ran along the underside.

I had missed him so much it was unbearable. It had been weeks since I came, weeks of torturous edging while he was gone, dreaming about him, how wonderful it would feel when he got home and put an end to my misery. He didn't know, of course, if I had told him he would have immediately insisted on "a healthy bout of phone sex" as he puts it. He wouldn't say it so bluntly but I knew that although he found it some what hot, the way I refused to orgasm other than at his hand, he mostly just thought I was being silly. We'd talked multiple times about it, him saying I shouldn't feel guilty if i wanted to, but the thing was I didn't. It wasn't the same to touch myself. I don't know my limits like he does, I can't make myself scream the way he makes me. So I wait for him to get home, wait for him to play with me; have his way with me.I did feel a bit guilty shutting down his phone sex, though, knowing from experience that our connection - in whatever way it manifested - made every orgasm somehow heightened. As it were, he tried several painstaking times, and it took all my willpower to shut him down with quick quips that I was busy or not in the mood. To his moral credit, he backed down immediately when I said I wasn't interested, I know I can always count on him to put me first, which is a relief given if he had pushed even slightly harder on any of those occasions I would have been biting down on something to muffle me as I squealed his name and made a mess of the sheets.

My breath hitched as Tyler ran a hand gently across my ass cheeks, rubbing and squeezing, getting me accustomed to his touch. He knew I needed that - a gentle, safe moment before things got kinky, a reminder that my pleasure and well being was at the forefront of his mind. It actually helped to calm my racing heart in a way that no deep breathing ever could.

Then that same caressing hand lifted and came swinging down against my skin in a stinging slap. My length jerked in response, straining against the steel ring as my heart fluttered back to its previous furious pace.

"Ready, Troye?" He whispered.

"Yes, Daddy," my answer came out breathy, the anticipation of what was to come making me a little light headed.

"Good, let's get started."

Tyler's hand swung in another firm slap against my other ass cheek, my skin now tingling in a familiar burn.

Tyler disappeared to the foot of the bed and when he returned into my line of sight he held a small bottle in one hand, squeezing a thin stream of clear oil to land directly on my perineum, then on my balls, flowing down onto my aching shaft, and finally back onto my hole. Tyler massaged the oil into my skin, and I couldn't hold back a moan as he caressed my balls, and gently gave me a couple of barely there strokes before moving to rub a single finger around my aching rim. God I had missed this.

"What a beautiful little hole you have here," Ty said, his voice deep and strong, sending shivers up my spine.

"Thank you, Daddy," I said unsteadily, distracted by his twirling finger.

Please Daddy - Troyler AU OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now