Side story

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~Sarah's POV~

Me, Tabi, and Liam got downstairs in our bathing suites when Niall walked through the door smiling from ear to ear. I knew something was up so I walked to him and looked up at him. Niall looked down at me and winked and then I knew something special was coming. I backed away and waited by Zayn and Perrie. Niall smiled at us.

"Ok Niall jigs up what is it?" Zayn asked.

"Well you know that night at the hotel, the night you threw me and Louis out." Niall said smiling. Zayn and Liam nodded. Louis then began smiling and winked at Niall. I smiled and winked at Niall too catching on, he was introducing Camie.

"While we were out there we met these girls and hung out with them that night." Niall said. Eleanor looked at Louis and glared at him.

"We were just friends El, promise I love you more then anyone." Louis said kissing her and hugging her. Eleanor smiled and hugged Louis.

"I trust you Lou." Eleanor said.

"Anyway, I liked this girl, her name is Camie, and I asked her out that night." Niall said smiling. They all smiled and looked at the door ready for Camie to come in. Niall went outside and then came back in with Camie and shut the door. Camie smiled and waved at them, I could tell she was trying to keep down a fangirl.

"This is Camie Grace, my girlfriend." Niall said smiling. Camie smiled and leaned on Niall.

"Nice to meet you Camie." Zayn said reaching for Camie's hand and shaking it. Camie smiled.

"Same to you Zayn." Camie said. Liam reached out his hand next.

"Hey Camie welcome to the family." Liam said smiling. Camie shook his hand.

"Wait, welcome to the family?" Camie asked looking confused. Louis smiled at her.

"When you start dating one of us you become part of our big family, it's just something we do, we will most likely see you frequently." Louis said. Camie nodded and smiled. Perrie hugged Camie and smiled.

"Hello Camie can't wait to get to know you!" Perrie said. Camie smiled.

"Same." Camie said. Eleanor hugged Camie and said the same thing as Perrie.

"Wow, you guys are all so nice." Camie said smiling. We all laughed and then Liam looked down and me.

"Oh wait, we forgot to introduce you to the girls." Liam said and I walked over to Camie and she bent down and I hugged her.

"Hi Camie I've heard some about you." I said winking at Niall. Niall blushed and I laughed.

"I've heard so much about you and your sister." Camie said smiling. I walked back to Zayn and leaned on him and he put his arm around me. Liam walked to Camie and showed her Tabitha and Camie instantly loved Tabi, everyone does.

Just before we all left Liam looked at Camie and then Niall. Liam smiled.

"Wait, your the girl that came in yesterday morning with the blonde and y'all had Louis and Niall in your arms." Liam said. Camie nodded and smiled. Eleanor glared at Lou again. Louis held his arms up in surrender.

" I swear we went in her room and I sat on the floor back against the wall. Niall and Camie snuggled not me, I swear," Louis said "then we went to sleep were we were never did I touch Tamie." Louis said. Eleanor snuggled into Louis more.

"You better not be lying." Eleanor said.

"Oh he's right, he got on the wall and fell to sleep, promise." Camie said. Eleanor nodded and Louis kissed Eleanor and they left for their date. Zayn and Perrie headed out to, and Liam, Tabi, and I left too.

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