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~Sarah's POV~

When I got back to where Liam and Tabi were I yanked Tabi up into my arms and ran for the beach. I laughed and smiled the whole time an I could hear Liam running for us.

"Sarah Tabi!" Liam yelled but I kept running. When I got to the water I put Tabitha down. I turned around and couldn't find Lima and I frowned. I picked Tabi up and looked around and still couldn't find him. Just as I was about to panic and have a spaz out someone pushed me back and grabbed Tabitha from my arms and I screamed. After a wave hit and I got up I searched for the person and heard laughing from below me. I looked down and saw Liam, with Tabitha in his lap, laughing as hard as he could.

"Y-you...falling...and...your face!" Liam said between laughs. Liam started laughing again and I ran up to him and tackled him. I started laughing and Tabi clapped from the sides and laughed. After I got him pinned down I smirked at him evilly. I looked Liam in the eyes.

"Say your sorry and I'll let you go." I said smiling. Liam shook his head.

"Nope, you never said sorry for running away." Liam said smiling. I laughed.

"You will say sorry." I said smirking. Liam laughed and rolled his eyes.

"And what is that?" Liam asked.

"I will yell your here as loud as my lungs can." I said smirking. Liam's expression went from happy and smiley to scared and worried. I laughed.

"If you could only see your face right now." I said. Liam thrashed around violently, I kept him pinned though. I opened my mouth and took in air.

"Alright! Alright! I'm sorry! There now can I get up?" Liam said thrashing around still. I nodded and smiled. Liam stood up and dusted him self off and glared at me. I smiled.

"Now was that so hard?" I said smirking. Liam shot me another glare and I laughed. I picked Tabi up and handed her to Li and took his hand.

"Come on Liam lets go swimming!" I yelled pulling towards the ocean. Liam laughed and let go of my hand. I looked back at him and he was running for me and I closed my eyes. I was then picked up and then the next thing I knew I was in water.

I came to the surface and saw Liam laughing. I glared at him and splashed him with water an he laughed. Tabitha reached for the water so Liam lowered her just enough for her to splash me. I gasped and smiled.

"Using a baby against your own sister/daughter! I see how this is." I said and went under the water. When I went under I stayed there for a long time, I'm really good at the holding breath contests. I saw Liam get worried and that's when I chose my perfect timing. I tickled his foot and Liam looked under and screamed falling back with Tabi. I came up laughing and Tabi was sitting in Liam's chest clapping and laughing.

"Again sissy! Again!" Tabi yelled clapping. I laughed. Liam sat up and put Tabitha in his lap, the water was now up to Tabis waist. It only came up to like a quarter of my legs maybe not even that much.

"No not again, I think we should go sit under our tent and eat, what do you think Sarah?" Liam asked me looking up. I nodded and helped Liam up. We walked back to our tent and sat down under it and we started eating. We really just ate sandwiches and a soda, Tabi ate something she could chew with her tiny baby teeth.

When me and Tabitha finished eating we went back to the water to wade and kinda swim. After about and hour we gathered up our stuff and started heading back, that's when I saw her. I froze in my path and Tabi, who was holding my hand looked up at me.

"What's wrong Sarah? What do you see?" Tabi asked a little anxiety in her voice. I saw me and her meet eyes and I gasped looking back down. Liam turned around and saw me standing there and Tabitha staring at her.

"Sarah Tabi come on let's go." Liam said. I looked back up and saw her only 2 feet away and ran for Liam with Tabi. I threw my self at Liam and whispered in his ear.

"That's my mom, we have to get out of here!" I whispered. Liam grabbed Tabi and ran I was running behind him when mom turned me around and crushed me in a hug. I didn't hug back.

"Sarah I missed you and Tabitha so much!" Mom said and she looked at me smiling. I have back no expression but glared at her through her blue eyes. How did she find us?


Hey so yeah sorry it's so short and bad I'll

try and make the next chapter better, promise. The last chapter I did, in there is any confusion, was just a little side story for Niall that will continue in the next chapter. Well comment, share, and vote GOODBYE MY LOVELIES!!!!!

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