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 Hey-llo!! yup I updated so ....

Hope you'll like it

though I have a little dificulty in this chapter cause I don't know where i need to start >_<


Haruno Sakura walk out her office with a scrowl on her face caused by her bestfriend...The kyuubi Container and one of the best ninja with a status of genin yet has the ability of Jounin, She sign in thought of the Annouying Blonde sometimes ,Naruto can be a pain in the ass..

'Geez, I sounded like Shikamaru'

'Well you did spend too much time with the Lazy-ass'

'Shut up Inner!!'

'God Sakura don't yell!'

'Well I Wouldn't If You Stop being such a PEST!'

'I truly hurt by your words'


She got interupted her 'Discussion' with her Inner Self by None other than Naruto.

"Sakura-chan!!Hurry up!!WE need to go to Ichiraku!" He yells at her making Sakura glared at him which he ignore a little.

"Shut up Naruto!! Ichiraku Isn't going anywhere!!" Sakura yelled at him before she throw a kunai towards Naruto who dodge it.


 Sakura let her body fall down to her own bed.Naruto is annoying as hell.

'But aren't you worried Sakura?

 'Worried for what?Inner'

'You know,Since that idiot-ex-teamamte and ex-sensei of yours shown up, the Old hag is not giving us some awesome missions'

'I'm not worried, and stop calling her that!'

'Gezzz chill'

 'How can I do that if you keep calling her that!'

'Well, she is old you know'

'Quiet it Inner'

 'Yeah Yeah whatever, by the way someone's coming'

*Knock *Knock

 'hmmm I see,Who could it be?' Sakura thought as she stoop up.


"Hai!Hai!I'm coming, gezz someone can't wait " she mumble the last sentence as she got near the door..

"What do you ......want?"

"Oh hello to you to Saku-chan"


sorry for the late update anyway...

who this could be? hmmmm

till next chapter guys!!


Ayah ~ (=^_____^=)V

 P.S I'll update next is ALG (For it's last chapter) or My True Identity you choose!

 P.P.S- I do really hope that we can stop SOPA for deeting all the Fan Fiction...

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