Missing in Action

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Here's my update!  

Anyways...Hope you like this... 


Missing in Action~  

        Sakura walked out of her house to go to the training grounds to do her normal routine. She still remembers her last mission together with her Anbu team though it didn t turn out like she planned it to be, not that all her plans does most of the time she need to improvise on the spot or like she didn t have any plan and still turns out well.  

        'Those word he said...How did he known I m a girl? If I remembered correctly the only time I took off my mask is in a small village and put some henge on myself.' She thought as she create some clone of her to train with her, her Root Anbu team that usually train with her are actually busy on the moment for some mission they needed to do with their original teams, even Sai with team Seven though she was supposed to be with them.  

          That time she basically turn up in the Hokage s office that day when All team seven was called in, the said team stared at her after she entered the office; one worried gaze from Sai, a glare from Naruto, a grunt from the Uchiha, and a careless glance from Kakashi before he return to reading his orange book but those stares turn to unbelievingly wide with shock, even Sasuke s when she decline to go with the team anymore and give the position to someone else.  


        "You called Hokage-sama", Sakura said using her monotone voice after her opened the office door to reveal her old teammates and one that is secretly in her usual Anbu team.  


         "*Cough, Yes, now that you are all in here let me briefly say that you ll be in a A-class mission to Suna to assist-", Tsunade was 'Politely' cut off by Sakura  


        "I refuse to take such part." The only girl of team Seven said before she turns around and about to leave.  


        "Hold it right there Sakura", Tsunade said as she gaze at the back of the said girl  

         "What is it Hokage-sama?", She respectfully said as she turns to looked at her former master.  


        "Are you declining this mission?", She asked unbelievingly the Sakura she knew didn t even dare to decline or even abandon any mission at is to be assigned at her especially lower once.  


        "Yes, I decline to be with this team, no offense Sai, I better leave now Hokage-sama", She said as she nod to Sai before leaving the room where all the people except Sai looked shocked that she not only icy cold to them all.  


        "None taken Taichou", muttered under his breath which no one in the room heard though Sakura's train ears heard it clearly through the door before she decided to shunshin to her house.  

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