Chapter One - Hello, Planet

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Ash rained from the sky like a grim snow, the crimson lands were desolate. A red haze filled the air, making it almost impossible to see clearly. The first things I saw when I awoke were these things. I don't know how long I've been asleep or why I was even there in the broken down laboratory to begin with, but there I was, staring at land that looked like the flushing of a person's cheeks, red rivers flowing like blood. The grey snow cascaded down and hissed upon landing on the ground, as if it were abhorring the fact that it had to touch the Earth alone.

Where is everyone? I wondered, looking around the area. It was as if the world just died while I rested for who knew how long. The Earth stretched on for miles, but there was no one around in my peripheral vision, so I walked forward to try and find someone who I could talk to and ask what was going on.

Only when I stepped on a sharp rock did I notice that my feet were bare. Why didn't I have my shoes on? Looking down at myself, I noticed that all I had on was a dusty white dress with little to no design on it. Yet, my turquoise hair was strung up into two long pigtails that nearly reached the ground, but was luckily hanging just above the scarlet Earth. I was so confused about my state that I just had to stare down at my foot that was bleeding a little bit from the crimson rock that I stepped on, watching the blood blend right in with the land.

While I stared in awe at the new sight of the land, I reminisced on the past – of what little I could remember. The Earth didn't always used to look like this. It used to have grass, little blades of green sprouting out from the ground. It wasn't supposed to be red like a festering wound. The Earth in my memories had a blue sky above my head, not a grey blanket coating it. The Earth I remembered had lots of people around, all with smiling faces. The only smile I saw now was the grim smile from a skeleton's skull that was on the ground a little ways away from me. The wind in my memories blew softly on my cheeks, but the wind here didn't seem to exist at all. The air was stale. If the Earth from my memories was so different from the Earth I saw now, did that mean I was on a different planet? Did someone ship me somewhere else on a rocket? I don't remember anything like that...

It was then that I noticed activity in the distance. Grey dust blew up in the distance and I saw two small figures moving. My heart lit up in this dark, different world as I thought to myself that I finally had someone I could speak to. Without even acknowledging the fact that my foot was bleeding still from that sharp rock, I ran as fast as my legs could allow me toward the sign of life. I didn't care if these life forms were kind to me or not, all I cared about was not being alone anymore. The silence was suffocating.

Upon making it close to where I saw all the movement, I was suddenly blown on my back. A dark shadow crawled across my body as something raced in the air behind me. Curious, I turned around and noticed this shadowy figure standing tall there. A red smile had creeped across its face as its body quivered with static: Changing quickly from black to that fuzzy grey and black collage. I stared at the creature for a long time, wondering what it was when all of a sudden, it jumped at me. I let out a scream, my voice sounding foreign to my ears as I had not heard it in a while. I brought up my arms to defend myself from the black creature.

But it didn't harm me. I looked past my arms that were in front of my eyes and noticed a girl standing in front of me with her back to me. She had short brown hair and a red frilly dress with white trimming. On her feet were red high heeled pumps, which revealed a lot of skin since her skirt was short, only going up to her thighs. What struck me most about this girl was the fact that she had intercepted the creature from attacking me with that sword in her hand that was dripping with black blood...

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