I Woke Up Married To A Vampire

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I dedicate it to this person cause she's really good at writingand I love her sotry Rebels love read it its good


My body felt numb and my eyes were barely open to the darkness that surrounded me all at once. My breath was a little heavier than normally and my heart raced a little faster than usual. Why was this?

 I know I just got over a cold but I've never felt this way before. It was like there was this burning sensation inside me that urged for something but what?

I could feel my arms and my eyes grew wider to see a young man in front of me, sleeping. One of his arms surrounded me as his other arm supported his head. His black hair was all messy and wet, like he just got out of the rain or something.

 His skin looked pale but soft that made me want to touch it. I looked away from him and looked around the room to see that it was nothing like mine at all. The room was a little larger than mine and darker too but I knew that it wasn't night time because the clock flashed 2:34 pm in red.

 As I looked closer, I could see posters of Linkin Park, Metallica, and Kiss on the walls and different words in Chinese, which I didn't understand. The ceiling fan was still going and I could hear the radio on by the guy's computer desk in the corner.

 "...and that was the Plain White T's with their song, 'Hey there Delilah' coming up is some Chris Brown, Coldplay, and maybe a little of the Jonas Brothers, kol105." I turned and almost screamed when I saw the guy staring right at me with these electric blue eyes.

"'Morning, Mrs. Salvatore," he smiled. Mrs. Salvatore? What was he talking to me?

"Sorry," I apologized, getting out the bed.

"I'm not who you think I am, my names Keira Stormwe--"

"Well, now it's Keira Salvatore," he smiled and pointed towards my left hand.

 I looked down to see a diamond ring on my ring finger and felt like I was going to faint that second. He sat up and looked at me, holding that same grin.

"I guess you wouldn't remember after that party last night."


I now had to sit down but I did not want to be near that creep at all, so I sat in his computer chair. I had to think back to that party!

 Think, Keira, think! Then it popped into my mind.

Last night, ours girls softball team won that competition and we were now accepted to go into that state finals next month and of course I made that last homerun in the game so everyone was surrounding me. My friend, Allie, was throwing a party in her house to celebrate our victory and urged me to come even though I wanted to hurry home and tell my parents who won the game.

I listened to her and we got changed in the locker rooms then hurried to her house. About half of the schools were packed at her house with the music blasting and everybody dancing' with snacks and drinks all around. Even though Allie wanted it to be a clean party, she couldn't control what others did and so some guys pored  some alcohol in the soda and most people, including me, thought they could handle it even after knowing. I soon saw this cute guy that was just sitting on the couch, reading like a nerd, so I asked him to dance and he accepted willingly.

We started to dance and talk and then we got even closer less than two hours later. We soon decided to leave the party together and under the moonlight, he just kept telling me different things about himself.

I said a few things about myself and soon he kept joking around about being a vampire and how people in love would bound themselves to them by letting the vampire take a  sip of blood and they'd be together forever. And I kind of got into his little game.

"Well, what if I wanted to be one with a vampire forever?" I flirted, holding his hand, walking through the forest together.

"He'd immediately accept that offer and would take a bit from you," he smiled wickedly. I turned to him and started to circle my finger around his collar bone, playfully.

I whispered in his ear. "I work better if you'd show me instead of tell me."

 For some reason, I was looking to lose my virginity tonight and if I lost it to this hot guy, I wouldn't regret it at all.

"Well, get ready to be Mrs. Cain Salvatore." He placed his lips on my neck and started to trail kiss up and down then finally stopped and placed his teeth on that single spot and I felt pain, but not bad pain, like OMG-I-want-so-much-more pain.

I soon came back to reality as he just smiled at me from his bed. "So, if we're now"--It burned to say the word--"married, did I lose my virginity in the process?" He laughed. How can he laugh at me?

"After I placed that ring on your finger, you immediately fell asleep, so that's a no," he answered. I was a little relived but also depressed at the same time.

 I wanted to lose it last night but I did want to remember it as well, so that's good. Right now, I could hardly breathe. I was now married to a guy that I hardly even knew and on the other side, he was hot to begin with but also he was...a vampire.

 How can a human-like creature actually live on this kind of planet and marry some human they barely knew? My head was now spinning with questions but no answer. Would this guy hurt me? Could he hurt me? Wasn't there a rule about this kind of thing happening?

Was there a way to get out of it at least? Like a divorce? I could never imagine myself saying that I wanted a divorce, especially at the age seventeen. I always imagine marrying a high-school lover and having a great career and a loving home to go back to with a healthy family that I cared about. But nothing like this ever popped in my mind before.

"Is there like a vampire-divorce system?" I asked. This time, he frowned.

"Sorry, but no," he answered. Then a wicked smile grew on his face and his eyes turned vice. He stood up and I notice that the only thing he was wearing was some navy blue basketball shorts and a sly grin.

 He walked towards me and I flinched back as he got closer. Soon, he was so close that I could smell the peppermint on his breath which smelt so good, but I couldn't get addicted now.

 Our eyes connected to one another and I felt shivers go down my spine as he said his few word that sank my heart. "Once you’re bound together, there’s no turning back."

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