Worst parents ever

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"No turning back?" I repeated. He nodded then turned around. "It was your own damn fault getting involved with me, I warned you." I glared at him. "No you didn't!" He looked back at me with a dark stare. "Oh, but I did, my wife I did. As I recall it I said ‘You really don't want get involved with me, babe, kind of dangerous here' I told you then you said 'I like danger.'" Do I really act like that when I'm drunk?

"I was drunk! And on the off side, you could tell that I was! Wasn't that pushing the boundaries a little?" He shrugged. "Sober, Drunk, doesn't matter to me." I finally stood up in some over sized, white t-shirt that barely went above my knees and a pair of silver basketball shorts. "But, isn't there--"

"You know what, Luna? We can debate about this all day, but either way, we'll still be married to one another weather you like it or not." He paused and smirked “Wifey”

I walked towards the door. "Not if I leave, not come back and pretend this never happened." I slipped off the ring and thew it at him but the ring stopped in the middle and slipped onto my finger again. What the fuck? "It's a vampire wedding ring, so couples could never lose it." I groaned ad shook my head "Fine, I'll pretend it's just a plain ring I got out of a cereal box or something," I snapped, opening the door.

He rolled his eyes and turned his music up with a remote by his bed. "Whatever. Let's just see how long you can stay away from me." I spun around back to him. "What do you mean by that?!"  I squeaked. "Just like the ring, honey you’ll come back to me," he snapped his finger “like that. It's not possible to be away from your partner longer than a week or two."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head in disagreement. "Yeah, right, see you never!" I said as I turned back around "That's what you think." Close! Oh my god! I was only there for about three minutes and he was now known in my mind as 'the annoyance'.

I walked down a hall that was dark and kind of creepy with these painting of old people that you would mostly see in movies and the eyes looked like they were staring at you while you moved and some even looked like they were going to jump out and kill you with your back turned, that was how I felt this minute. I soon heard a creek from a door opening and I started to speed up but the hall seemed like it was getting longer so I tried to walk even faster as I heard footsteps behind me then I turned to see a couple holding hands walking towards me.

 Less than a second, they were towering over me and glared down at me. "Who are you and how did you get in?" the man asked in a thick Russian accent. "Um...I uh...I just," I stuttered trying to force the words out of my mouth.

The beautiful woman that had long curly black hair and dark violet eyes, just put on this confused face still holding the glare. The man with this silk brown colored hair in a pony tail kept on with the glare.

"Let's say it this way," he started. "Are you lunch or dinner?" I gasped and flinched back in fear.

I was about to use a trick that I hoped would work but I wasn't sure that it would, I would only work with pure luck I hoped. "I'm...I'm, um...uhh...Keira--" "Answer the question!" the woman snapped.

"Keira Salvatore and I don't know how I got in, I just woke up in Cain's room," I rushed then caught my breath. They laughed. "Why didn't you just tell us from the start that you were Cain's wife?" the woman laughed. I started to feel sick to my stomach after she said those last two words 'Cain's wife.' "We're sorry to frighten you like that, Keira," the man apologized. "My name's Dimitri Moonstone, Cain's brother-in-law, and his sister, Selena Moonstone, my wife."

I gulped down my fear and smiled, still shaking a little. "Hello, I..I was just looking for the front door." They smiled in unison. "We'll show you the way," Selena offered. They went in front of me and led me out the hall, down the staircase, and towards the door. "Here you go, Keria."

I Woke Up Married To A VampireWhere stories live. Discover now