Kidnapped at the airport (D1)

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I hope you like this story, it's my first XD, enjoy!

Becca's POV

I exit the plane with a body stiff and sore from the 23 hour flight home from New Zealand. Welcome back to Chicago Becca, the dirtiest filthiest place in America. //A.N. No disrespect sorry if this offends anyone// Oh joy, i'm back. Well at least i'm off that horrid plane ride.

I stretch a bit once I'm off the plane and jet, wanting to get out of this cramped space as soon as possible. I walk over to the baggage claim and wait. As I await for my big blue suitcase I start wondering about how many things must have changed since I left.

At the end of my 3rd year of high school I was given the amazing opportunity to study abroad. I immediately had my sights set on New Zealand and left for Senior Year. My dad didn't care that I left, he's too busy getting drunk off his ass to notice. And my mom died protecting him from a bullet.

My dad used to be a feared gang leader, until my mom died saving him. Then he gave up his gang life, drowning himself in beer, drugs, and self pity. Now this may make me sound like a horrible daughter but I honestly didn't really care. I mean I loved my mom and all but reminiscing over the past won't change anything. Everyone dies at some point. She just went a bit early.

Of course I miss her, but I will never show it at day at he least, sometimes at nights, especially bad ones I think about everyone who's left me and talk to the moon. But crazy I know.

I grab my blue luggage as it comes rolling down. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone, it's an iPhone 5s with a never land case because that's my favorite movie. It's so ironic. I check the time and see that it's 5:36 am. Judging by my constant yawning and time I decide I should make a stop at StarBucks.

Now there are two different types of people in this world. Those girly guys/girls with coffee cups whose name are ridiculously long that they sound like a unicorn is gonna barf sprinkles and glitter in their coffee. And those whom take heir coffee straight and black like a man. //A.N. I mean no disrespect once again just for the book sorry if this offends you//

After I grab my coffee I start heading out of the airport. Just before the exit I get a weird premonition and slip my phone in my boot. I have no idea why, I just feel like something's coming. I'm weird I know.

As I exit I start walking down the road because I'm walking to the park to wait for my dad to get sober enough to remember me and drive to get me. Although I feel like someone's watching me so I speed up a bit. Two blocks down and I swear I'm seeing big shadows of men dressed in black following me.

I'm going crazy I just know it. I can see the park in sight and I start running. One block down and I'm in the park. I hop on the swings ignoring he warnings in my head. I start to swing slowly back and forth when someone pushes the swing to a halt.

Before I can turn around and confront the person, a pair of strong hands grab me from behind. I want to scream but someone clamped my mouth and nose shut with a cloth. I'm trying to make a noise, gasping for clean air to no avail. All that comes is this sickeningly sweet smelling substance. Black dots dance around my eyes till my body goes limp. I collapse to the ground, and blackout.

So this is the first chapter of my first story. I really hope you like it. Please give me constructive feedback if possible. Thanks bye!

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