Devilishly hot (D1)

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Becca's POV

As I make my way down the six flights of stairs it finally occurs to me that I should be thinking about what to make for dinner. Hmm, I'm thinking a regular but amazing quick spaghetti with juicy steak and for dessert I'll just make ice cream look fancy if they have it. Now this may seem impossible to cook steaks for 25 people in 15 minutes, but in New Zealand I got to learn how to properly cook your food with a blowtorch, and it only take 7 minutes, the rest I'll just manage on doing.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and reach a dilemma, I totally forgot do I take the left hallway or the right? God I can't remember for the life of me, so I decide to use the old nursery rhyme of pull a tiger by its toe. I land on the left hallway and take that. Strutting all the way down to the end I'm about to kick open the door when I hear hushed voices on the other side.

I get into position beside the door and listen in, wondering why they're all whispering. I can only make out a few words, mostly consisting of attack, base, midnight, and guns. I keep listening till I hear the last word thrown out so nonchalantly as if taking a bike for a ride. Murder, they uttered the word as if they were talking about taking a penny from the counter when it's not yours. I feel a quite disgusted by this and walk away. You shouldn't talk about it so easily, I mean, sure it's fine to take a life when it's well deserved but  to talk about it like that!

At least pretend your upset. I rush down to the staircases and over to the right hand stair case. I make my way to the kitchen and start preparing for dinner trying to erase the memory from my mind. I bring out a big pot and fill it with water. Setting it on the stove I wait for it to boil while getting out the steaks. When I set them on a cutting board Leon walks in. "You need any help?" He asks, "ya actually, where's the blow torch?"

He eyes me suspiciously at my request but leaves to go and fetch it. I dump the noodles in the boiling pot and put sauce into a smaller pot and bring it to a simmer. Leon walks back in with a blow torch and hands it to me. I tell him to stand back and walk over to the steaks. I click the switch and fire comes out I slowly cook the steaks while Leon works on the spaghetti. At first he freaked when I lit up the steaks. But then I told him all about the art of blow torch cooking and he decided to step back and see if I could actually pull it off.

I flip over the steaks and cook the other side, then I put them on plates with cilantro for the appeal. We dish out the spaghetti and one by one carry the dishes out to the dining table and set them down. We just finished and its now 5:59pm. Everyone should be coming down. Though in the meantime while I wait, I remember my phone in my boot and pull it out. Opening up the settings for wifi I pull it up, and before I glance down ask Leon what the password is.

"Well actually, you only get the wifi if you can figure it out." A smirk passes his face and a frown comes on mine. As I wait for the options to load. Then one comes on, and the name of the wifi is HogwartsBitch I start internally fangirling at the name! It must be alohomora, I think to myself deviously and put it in. Sure enough it worked. "You, Leon, are my new favorite person!" I say happy that I guessed right. "Why of course I am." He says, then we elapse into a comfortable silence of texting and tumblr.

Everyone starts coming into the room 6 minutes late, the nerve of them! Oh well, can't be helped. As I'm about to sit next to Leon a strong hand yanks my arm and places me in the chair next to the head chair. I turn around to confront my perpetrator only to be left speechless. In front of me is a God of beauty, seriously he is damn hot, handsome as a devil. Before I make a fool of myself I speak up. "Who the hell are you?" I say in my best brave voice.

"You should recognize you husband when you see him." Husband? Wait so he's Ryder! "Well sorry I haven't seen you before." I mumble with my usual snarky attitude and direct my attention back to my phone. He just smirks and sits down. I glance up at him again to be greeted by his perfectly chiseled face. His dark brown hair that looks so soft I'm tempted to run my hands through them. His emerald green eyes with flecks of gold make me tempted to stare into them all day.

I move onto his body and notice his ripped figure, a full eight pack visible through his black shirt and leather jacket. I haven't even realized how long I've been staring until he clears his throat. "Like what you see?" He asks with an attitude that shows he's hot and knows it. His voice is god like, and his lips plump and kissable, oh my gods ew I did not just say that! I hate him.

"No, I've seen much better" I reply rather curtly and turn to my food. I begin to eat along with everyone else and before I know it we're all done with out food and dessert. I glance at the clock and see that it's been an hour. It's already 7pm. I yawn and tell Leon across the table that I'm going to bed, ignoring Ryder for the time being. Getting kidnapped can really make a person tired.

I walk up the steps and strip down once I'm in the bedroom. I grab a pair of leggings and an oversized button down shirt and change. Who Evers clothes are in my closet has good taste, I've got to tell him that when I find out who it is. Because his shirts make lovely PJs. I turn off the light and waltz into bed snuggling under the covers. I start to drift off to sleep and about a half hour later I feel hands snake their way around my body, wrapping me in a hold.

I'm about to let out an ear piercing scream when a hand clamps over my mouth. "Chill, it's me babe." I hear Ryder hiss. What the hell is that freak doing in my bed? The minute he removes his hand I'm gonna bombard him with questions like hell.

It doesn't seem his hand is moving anytime soon so I take mine and yank it off. I take a deep breath and say "what the hell are you doing in my bed asshole, I want to sleep alone!" I whisper yell, very frustrated that he woke me up from my peaceful almost sleep. "Well babe, we're gonna be married soon so might as well sleep together. Besides this is my room. You're even wearing my shirt, which does look cute on you. Be grateful I'm even letting you wear my shirt and sleep in my bed."

I immediately blush at his comment, thanking God for the pitch black darkness. "First of all don't call me that!" I respond hotly, annoyed with myself for letting this douche have an affect on me. "Call you what?" He asks like a kindergartner which only adds to my fuel. "You know what!" I practically shout in his face. I swear this guy will be the death of me. "Oh you mean babe." He asks innocently, although I know that he knows I hate it! "Ya! Second of all don't hug me freak."

"I can hug you if I want to, your my fiancé for gods sake." He replies only intensifies the cuddle. Ugh, I groan in annoyance and turn so my back isn't facing him. I don't even have the energy to argue as I'm so tired.

"Night babe." He says and I can picture the satisfied smirk plastered on his face that I so desperately want to wipe off. "Whatever" I reply and drift off to sleep.

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