Partners in crime (D1)

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Sorry for not updating for a while, I know awful. And what's more I don't have an excuse other than I was debating if I can make the main character bad ass or not! Super sorry, enjoy this new chapter! :) also many of the parts in this chapter were highly inspired by some tumblr posts as I was just before reading them. Ok now you may enjoy!

Becca's POV

I wake up to a warm glow against my skin and a tight force pulling me towards a warm figure. About I scream and pull away my memories of last night come flooding back and recognition fills my head.

That's right, we fell asleep together. God damn that's disgusting. Maybe if I go now I can get out of this infernal mansion before anyone wakes up.

I think to myself as I already know it's six in the morning thanks to my internal alarm clock. With stealthy ninja precaution I try to pull myself away from the cuddling onslaught which is keeping me captured. Though my efforts fail as the more I struggle, the clingier he gets. As if I'm a teddy bear he presumed is his own, he snuggles up next to me, taking all of my willpower  not to gag and wake him up.

I grab the pillow my head is resting on even through that of my limited arm movement, and start to slide the pillow in between me and his arms. Though I am still trapped, so I slide down , keeping the pillow in place and eventually escape from the grasp of doom which I was held in.

Safely out of his reach I climb out of bed and gracefully stumble out of the room. While venturing out into the abandoned empty hallway, I creep down the stairs to the front door. Damn I didn't hunk it would be this easy. I open the front door and slip out with out a sound. While running at top speed to the nearest Starbucks, absolutely certain I look like a mess.

When I walk in I get a few weird looks though nothing too bad, and walk up to the counter. As I take my order and sit down I start thinking into space. That seemed easy, way too easy. Well whatever, I grab my coffee and head out he door to my best friends house. She better have some Pringles, movies, and ice cream. Cause after the unbelievable day I've had in gonna need it.

I walk through the window roads swiftly navigating it down the old familiar path. I remember that this is my first time meeting her since I've gotten back! I'm ecstatic with joy as I start bounding up the hill faster, proceeding with unnecessary leaps. As great as Skype is, irl really just doesn't compare.

I reach the driveway of the old familiar cottage, or lair as we refer to it. Because  in he house if you go into the family you can open up the bookshelf to reveal a secret room, and in it is an even more secret room behind the painting. That was pretty much the only reason behind why we night the house. Otherwise we would have looked elsewhere. The musty yellow and green paint chipping, and wood creaking everywhere as if Infested by termites. The roof often leaks and windows shutter open at the slightest of storms unless barricaded down.

I walk in not bothering to knock as this place is just as much mine as it is hers. I bound of the steps to the second floor and knock down the door with one of my legendary kicks, not really but I do bust it open. Only to be met with a shocked face owned by a petite figure holding a metal rod. Ready to attack any intruder, not that there would be.

"BECCA!!" The shrill ear piercing shriek rattles my brain as well as the very houses foundation.  "Hey Ava! Whatcha up to?" I ask trying to sound casual though failing miserably. "Never mind that where the fuck have you been?!" Ava shouts reminding me very much of my mother. "God it's such a long story though!" I complain in a feeble attempt to put off the inevitable till the last minute.

"I'll get the ice cream and you go get pirates of the Caribbean, then we talk." She has a stern but goofy look on her face and I in return from with an even stupider one. "Fine," I relent with a sigh "be back on five."


"Ok girl now what happened?" she demands after handing me mint chocolate moose tracks tub and a spoon. So I sit down with a sigh and tell her the whole story and Ryder business. God almighty I hate him. I end up over glorifying my escape with a proud heart.

At the end instead of he wide eyed gaze most would expect to meet a similar smirk passes in between us. To any outsiders we would look like a bunch of mad men, though for us this could only mean one thing, payback. Though we would wait for revenge after our movie and ice cream marathon, cause you don't just turn off Johnny depp.

Now I know what most people would be thinking, 'you just escaped yet your going back? Are you crazy!' Well to answer your question no I'm not, I've been tested. Me and my Ava are a bit weird so to speak, and definitely trouble makers. You could pick any point in our small pitiful lives to prove the point.

For instance on our fifth grade field trip to the zoo, while our class went to the lion zoo, Ava and I snuck away towards the penguin exhibit. After seeing how cute the new baby penguins were we did what any rational human being would. We took one for ourselves. While Ava temporarily disabled the security cameras I snuck into the exhibit through the feeding entrance and grabbed the fluffier one I found and stuffed it in my backpack. We would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for feeding time. In short were now banned from that zoo, and it would have been worse if not for the social standpoint Ava's father holds as a political leader.

There was also the time in seventh grade when I was being bullied about my mothers death and instead of crying about t, I decided to woman up! So while I ran bawling to the counselor telling Ms.Nelson I was afraid of my 'friends' getting cancer, Ava snuck cigarettes into their purses. In conclusion, they were all suspended and two pulled out of school!

There are a many other adventures, which are for later. Though as you can see, Ava isn't just my best friend/wish she was my sister, you could say she's my partner in crime.

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