Two: Bystander

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"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing,"

~Albert Einstein

Michael likes lists and he has a lot of them. One of his longest ones is of the reasons he hates school. His reasons aren't like others peoples. Most of his reasons are names. There's the boy named Ryan who bullies him. And the girl named Kate who offers verbal abuse. And there's Ryan's 'minions' who do whatever he says which mostly includes beating Michael in the locker room. Or like today in the bathroom.

The one named Josh holds Michael down as the one named Kyle throws punches. They're sloppy and weak in comparison to Michael's dad's, but that doesn't mean they don't hurt him just as much.

Michael's head is spinning and his ribs feel like they've been soaked in gasoline and lit on fire. His vision is blurry and by the time the two boys leave Michael is fighting to keep his eyes open. He has to go to class in ten minutes though, so Michael grips the sink counter and uses the tiny bit of strength he has to pull himself to his feet.

He looks tired when he catches sight of himself in the mirror. And there's a cut on his forehead from Kyle's fist. Michael wipes the blood away slowly and holds his breath for a second hoping the blood will have clotted by now.

He looks like sh*t, but Michael heads for History, swaying slightly and extremely dizzy. He would care if he had any self-worth, but he just stumbles into class and takes his seat in the middle of the class, hissing in pain.

He wants to hide when Luke walks in, but he can't and Luke smiles at him. Michael pretends he didn't see, but he watches the hurt flicker across Luke's face and finally the concern when he gets close enough to actually see Michaels face.

Luke drops his pencil by Michaels desk and stoops low to reach it whispering as he does so.

"Are you okay?"

Tears well in Michaels eyes because he can't remember when someone last asked him that and oh God he is not okay, but Michael blinks back the tears and nods slightly.

Luke's clearly not convinced, but there's nothing he can do. Michael isn't exactly a people person. Luke shoots him a sad look and Michael wants to cry so badly, but he hasn't cried in four years since he told his dad he was gay and he's sure as hell not going to cry for some dumb blonde kid.

Luke sits next to his friends and the two of them are quick to tell him all about their weekend. Michael keeps his head low to his desk, but out of the corner of his eye he can see Luke glancing at him every few seconds and he's not sure how to feel about it.

Michael survives the class. Up until the teacher makes his surprize announcement. "We are going to be starting a group assignment tomorrow and I want you all to be in groups of four," the teachers eyes landed on Michael. "This will not be done individually,"

Michael's heart sunk to the floor.

"We need another person," Luke's curly haired friend muttered just loud enough for Michael to hear.

Please. Michael begged. Please don't make me work with them. Michael wasn't sure who he was begging to, but clearly they weren't listening.

"Michael can join us," Luke said.


"Michael!" Luke called.

Michaels blood chilled to ice and his spine grew ridged. He hated group projects. He hated people and people hated him. The last time he was in a group he did all the work as the others verbally abused him. Michael doubted this would be any different.

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