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Halsey seemed uptight, her and Enid showed up. She just stood in a corner not talking to anyone. Enid was telling us about her past. Honestly, I felt bad for her but I didn't let it show. My group has been through worse.

"So how about we prank her?" Enid questions, "Nah, just leave her alone." I defend. "Awe Carl gots the feels for Halsey." Ron mocks. "Don't make me shoot you." I snap, he puts his hands up laughing.

"Anyways I have to go." I mutter, I leave the house. I knock on Jessie's door hoping she was home. Instead Halsey comes to the door, her hair was up in certain places. "What?" She questions rubbing her eyes.

"Nothing, how are you?" I ask, she smirks and moves out of the way. "Get to the point Carl." She says walking over to the fridge. She pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"Woah! What are you doing?" I question pulling the bottle from her hands.  "I'm going to guess your dad doesn't want you drinking?" She asks, I nod.

"Bottles up!" She says downing the wine. I tip the glass back letting it fall into my mouth. I have to admit it tasted good so good we finished the bottle. "Y-you know Carl?" She asked her words becoming slurred. "Yup! That's my name." I say kissing her cheek.

She crawls over to me placing herself on my lap. Her arms wrap around my neck, I snuggle into her neck. She giggles before kissing the tip of my nose. I grab her face and kiss her. She pulls away her eyes wide with panic.

"I-I uh s-sorry!" She says panicking. She picks up the bottle and throws it away putting the cups into the sink. "You should really get going." She says. I smile weakly and get up.

I stumble out of the house and to my own, I push open the door and crawl up the stairs. I fall into my bed falling quickly asleep.

I paced back and forth, I was letting my guard down. I can't do that, I came here for shelter not to have a make-out session. The door creaked open, "Hey Halsey." Jessie greets. "H-Hi." My words still slurred.

I mentally slapped myself for this behavior. "You alright?" She questions feeling my forehead, "uh yeah." I say. She raises an eyebrow.
"Okay good." She smiles and walks up the stairs. I look out the window, a woman stood smoking. Just as I was about to turn away some man came up behind her and stabbed her multiple times.

"JESSIE!" I holler running up the stairs, "what?!"

"A man! Killed woman." I pant. Just I was explaining glass shattering could be heard. The woman came upstairs dragging me down. She wrapped a piece of rope around my neck.

Jessie tried to grab me, but it was no use. I was already being dragged to the middle of the town. "ANYONE MOVE SHE DIES!" The woman hollers. The rope tightened around my neck. Every time I would move she would make it tighter.

I finally quit moving, she pushed me to my knees and twisted the rope even more. I gasped for air, the world feeling as it was ending. I closed my eyes, goodbye world.

I gasped one more time before I passed out, I heard screams and cries of pain. "Halsey?!" Someone yelled. It hurt to move, my brain couldn't function right. I felt air underneath me. I bounced back and forth from time to time.

I looked around, Rick was shooting of some of those people. That's all I remember before I went blank.

I looked outside the window, the Wolves were here for me. I ran up the stairs and into the closet. They weren't taking me away today. I tried to consume my breathing.

This closet smelled of death, I had my knife at the ready. A loud thud could be heard from downstairs, I sat up a little. My breathing got quicker and louder. "Enid.." Someone hummed out.

I squeezed my eyes shut, the closet door was yanked open. I looked the person in the eyes. I stabbed him in the chest. He let go of me and fell into the wall. I continued to stab him.

I stepped back, I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. I shoved my knife back into my pocket and grabbed the mans shirt I dragged him down the stairs and into the town.

People from our group were on the ground blood around them. I threw his body on another body. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and looked at piercing blue eyes. "Rick?" I question, I shade my eyes with my hand.

"You should go with them." He announces, I shake my head. "I'm not going, the Wolves are not my home."

"It doesn't matter, your putting this group in jeopardy." He says licking his lips. I stand up and rub my bloody hands on my jean. "Fine, if you want me gone. I'll leave, but let me tell you something. Your sending a young girl Outside the walls no telling if I'll come back alive or come back at all." I state. I turn and walk to the gate, I wave my finally goodbye before walking away from Alexandria.

I wake up in the nurses room, I sit up and look around, wounded people laid in beds around me. Some of them I knew. "Halsey? How you feeling?" The nurse asks. I nod slowly.

"Where's Enid, Carl, Ron?" I ask getting off the bed. "There fine, you need to calm down." She says. I slap her hand away and run out of the infirmary.

I take out my knife and charge into the woman, I stab her in the chest and head. I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand, I soon felt dizzy. I held my head but went back to killing Wolves.

I ran into my house, Jessie was stabbing some man with scissors. I push her back, "He's gone." I say in between breaths. She wipes her hands on her jeans. "Enid's gone, Rick made her leave." She announces.

"She brung the Wolves here." She says calming down a tad bit. I shake my head, she's gone. She was like the only person I could talk to beside Carl.
After we got all the people's bodies out of the house we gathered at Diana's house, people were still freaking out. "Okay, we're going on a run for a few things, I want to take Halsey, Michonne, Sasha and Daryl." Rick says.

I nod towards him, "ever worked a gun?" Daryl asked. "Heck yeah!" I exclaim. I take the gun from him and point it at a bottle. I pull the trigger. The bottles explodes into tiny pieces.

"Show off." Carl scoffs, I turn towards him. "Do you want to become the bottle to?" I question.

He puts his hands up in defense. I smile weakly, Daryl takes the fun away from me. "Let's get going." Rick says. I nod and follow them out. "Come back unharmed." Ron says wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his chest.

"I will,"I say snuggling into his neck. "I gotta go now, I'll bring you something back." I state. I push away from his hug and walk towards the open gate. I wave towards Carl and Ron. Thoughts were racing through my head, Outside the walls was a terrible place and I couldn't get it through my head. I might die today. Was my last thought before I crawled in the truck with Rick.

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