Chapter 9

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    "Let me up." Alexis said in a shaky voice.

    "Who said we are done?" Maria removed her blindfold and gave the girl her signature smirk. Maria reached over to the glass on the night stand, "Close your eyes and if you open them I'll put the blindfold back on." Alexis closed her eyes, taking a nervous breath in. Maria had gotten a ice cube out of the glass, holding the cold object in between her lips she ran it over Alexis's chest. Alexis whimpered as Maria circled her breasts with the icicle.

Maria runs the ice down her stomach letting it create a little puddle of water before she took the object lower. Maria runs the ice cube on her center, Alexis's back almost immediately arches off the bed. Maria holds on the ice cube right on her pearl until the young girl writhing on the bed. The sensations that the woman inflicting on her body had her panting for air.

"You may open your eyes now." Alexis's cheeks were flushed and her body was covered in a thin layer of sweat.

Maria looked straight into her eyes, "Now we are done." 


Alexis watched Maria sleep. Her hair was all disheveled and her makeup smeared but she never looked more beautiful to Alexis in that moment. Maria had never let her touch her in the whole two years they have known each other, and after this Alexis didn't know if she would be able to keep her hands off the woman.

Alexis noticed something on Maria's shoulder, moving her hair over she saw it was a tattoo. The tattoo was a small tulip. The tulip looked like a watercolor painting, the petals of the flower were a mixture of red and orange. Alexis unconsciously began to trace over the flower. Her mind began to drift to what had happened earlier that day. She had gone to the funeral home to make arrangements for her Grandmother's funeral. The whole experience had been been painful, all the emotions came rushing back to her. Alexis couldn't stop the harsh thoughts of how she was going to live in this house all alone when the reason she bought this house was because of her Gran. Everything in this house brought memories of her back from the soap in the kitchen to the plants by the window. Tears dripped down her cheeks and on to the sleeping woman. Maria began to wake, she sleeply looked over to the younger woman to see her crying quietly. Without a single word Maria sat up and pulled the girl to her, holding her while she grieved. 

"Shhhh," Maria held Alexis to her chest and rubbed her back, "It's going to be okay."

    "It hurts," Alexis's voice was full of pain.

    "I know, I know"

    "Do you really though?"

Maria didn't reply for a few minutes, Alexis began to worry that she angered the older woman.

"Yes, yes I do. I haven't ever shared this with anyone but," Maria paused and took a deep breath. "Let me show you something first." Alexis untangled herself from Maria. Maria turned her shoulder towards the girl, lifting up her long hair she showed the girl the same tattoo she had been tracing not even an hour ago.

"I got this for my mother after she passed away when I was 17."

"I'm so sorry-"

Maria held up her hand to stop the girl, "Don't apologize."

"Can I ask why you got a tulip? Was that your mother's favorite flower?"

"No, my mother loved to paint. She would spend hours in her studio painting sometimes even forgetting to cook us dinner." Maria laughed looking lost in the memory. "She was diagnosed with Leukemia when I was 16, and this was her last painting she ever created." Maria cleared her throat, her eyes became watery. "She actually painted it in the hospital. She had demanded that we bring her painting supplies with her to the hospital when she had to start staying longer periods of time for treatment. That woman couldn't even go one day without picking up a paint brush." "Sometimes I wish I would have inherited her passion," Maria said in a small voice.

"Oh but you did, Maria. Don't you see that? You may not have that passion towards art but you certainly have it in the courtroom or even in the kitchen."

Maria smiled and pulled the girl towards her into a kiss.

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