Chapter 6

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Alexis's hands shake as she put on her earring, glancing up at the time, 7:59. She could be here any minute now. As if on cue, the sound of a light knocking traveled through the apartment. Alexis took a deep breath and opened the door.

    "Wow right on time."

    "I don't like to be late." Maria said in a tone of voice that Alexis couldn't decipher.

Maria took in the young woman before her, she had her long hair pulled back into a elegant bun. Alexis's light blue dress brought out her stunning eyes; the sight was breath taking.

"Are you ready to go Miss Parker?"

"Yes, just let me grab my purse."

Alexis grabbed her purse off the loveseat and the two ladies left the apartment, and slowly made their way to the elevator. Maria found herself annoyed by the trivial music that seemed to sound the same no matter what elevator she was in.

    "So where are we going?" Alexis asked in a shaky voice, it was clear to everyone that she was nervous about this dinner.

    "My place." Maria simply replied.

    "What? I barely know you, I don't care what you say I will not go with you!" Alexis's voice was rising with every word she spoke, her anger was evident. Maria didn't even seem slightly phased by the outburst, "Yes you will, and lower your voice."

"Who do you think you are? Do you think just because I want to work at your company that I'll-

The elevator came to a sudden stop jerking the girls around and causing both of them fall to the floor. Lights flickered on and off until eventually they stopped all together, a red emergency light shinned bright. Alexis felt a wave of panic fall over her, "Oh my god, we are going to die. The elevator broke and we are going to die. What if no one comes to help us-"

Maria grabbed the girl who was clearly going into a state of shock and pushed her up against the wall. "Breathe, Alexis we are going to be fine."

"No, no we're not nothing good ever happens in fucking elevators, this is why I take the stairs-"

Maria crashed her lips against the young woman's, the girl let out a soft moan. Alexis's hands found their way into Maria's hair. Alexis pulled Maria even tighter to her body wanting every part of Maria against her. Maria bit Alexis's lip when Alexis's denied the woman access to her mouth, causing Alexis to gasp. The older woman took advantage of this and began to explore her mouth. Maria kissed down Alexis's neck causing a strangled gasp to escape Alexis's mouth. Maria laughed under her breath at the girl. Alexis's hands found Maria's chest, only for Maria to take hold of her hands and hold them captive above her head. "No" was the only word that came out of Maria. Maria continued kissing Alexis's neck and grabbed at the the end of her dress and began to pull it up with her free hand.

Just then the elevator lights came on and a man on the speaker spoke, "Sorry for in the inconvenience, the problem has been taken care of. The elevator should start to move in just a second. Have a nice day ladies and gentlemen."

The girls had jumped apart when the voice came through the speaker. Maria looked over at her and smirked, "Don't think this is over."


Maria walked over to Alexis slowly but Alexis knew she was anything but calm. "I'm sorry Mar-

"NO, YOU SURE AS HELL DIDN'T WANT TO ACT CIVIL A FEW MOMENTS AGO! Meet me in the living room in five minutes, I wouldn't want to be late if I were you."

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