Chapter Five

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"Moss, shut up!" I hissed at her quietly as she snapped a twig.

"I'm the one who suggested this, not to mention I'm the only one who actually knows where ShadowClan is!" Moss hissed back coldly. Scoffing in defeat, I continued to follow Moss.

"Wait, why are the trees turning into marsh?" I asked, fear twisting my stomach.

"You know nothing. ShadowClan camp is in the marsh, Broken! You're such a mousebrain."

"And you're a piece of foxdung!" I retorted.

"Touché." She grumbled.

"What did you just say?" I whispered.

"I said touché, mousebrain."

"I know that!" I hissed quietly. "But what does it mean?"

"It means that you won our little argument." The tortoiseshell finished with a snarl. Grumbling, I continued to follow the murderer.

* * *

"We're here," Moss' whisper felt like harsh winter ice as she hissed in my ear. I stopped abruptly, almost falling onto the ground. Straightening myself, I turn my head to look at my surroundings. A wall of tall grasses, dead sticks, branches, and dead trees formed a thick barrier, seeming natural to a normal cat.

"Stop staring at the air like a mousebrain!" The tortoiseshell hissed, trotting towards the secure blockade. I quickly floundered forward, my paws slipping on the unfamiliar marsh. Once I caught up to Moss, a question shot through my mind.

"How are we going to get in that?"

"Broken, you know nothing. If you were properly educated, you would know all clan camps have an entrance, and the less visible it is the better."

I lowered my tail in embarrassed for being so oblivious of the ways of the clans. Moss continued walking towards ShadowClan's camp, and I watched her as she squeezed herself through a small opening that at first glance seemed invisible. She flicked her tail while climbing in, signaling me to follow. I obeyed, and felt brambles snag my pelt, pulling off clumps of hair.

Emerging from the small entrance, my eyes widened in amazement. Frail cats arched their backs, their ears pressed flat against their heads, their jaws exposing rotting teeth while they hissed. I stood my ground with Moss, we could obviously take on these pitiful cats. They hardly were attempting to fight us. My whiskers twitched in amusement. A pure white tom with jet black paws approached Moss, yellow eyes blazing with hate.

"How dare you come back here." The cat hissed, fur bristling. Moss was unaffected, she held eye contact, and slowly exhaled.

"Darling," she snorted. "Don't you know I can take you down in one blow? Isn't it obvious exiling me didn't help your clan, it only helped my life. You seem oblivious that your clan is dying. I know even your little StarClan can't help you now." She chuckled. The tom seemed taken aback, but remained in front of the she-cat. He opened his mouth, about to say something, but Moss quickly stopped him. "Oh, I'm not finished yet. Ever since Tigerstar was killed, and you took leadership of ShadowClan, your clan has been crumbling around you. Your nine lives mean nothing, Blackfoot. Your clan is dying, while BloodClan is flourishing. Broken and I have come to finish ShadowClan off, once and for all. And yet, I can see it in your eyes, you still think StarClan will help you, save you from what is coming. But, Blackfoot, I know that StarClan is just a kit-tale that only warriors believe in, because it gives them faith that they won't die, that the Twolegs won't destroy their forest. Pity, because the stars aren't magical dead cats. They're tiny dots in the sky, and no one can do anything about that. Blackfoot, today will be your last day alive. And your fate is sealed, because we're here, and your fake StarClan can do nothing about it."

"That's Blackstar, you foxhearted, mousebrained, pile of foxdung!" He snarled.

"Insult me all you want, but today will be your last."

"Look, you can threaten my leader all you want, you can tell us StarClan isn't real, you can come here and say you'll kill us all, but what you cannot do is convince us not to have faith in each other. We are ShadowClan, we are the wily and proud, our souls are strong, even if we are starving. You and your friend may think you can demolish us, but we will stand strong with one another, and your threats do not scare us, we will not cower in fear. We will face you like proud ShadowClan warriors and you will soon fear us!" A voice meowed, defending their leader and clan. Moss and I turned to look at a sleek black cat with dark green eyes, their rib cage clearly visible on the food-deprived cat.

A smirk stole across Moss' face as amusement sparked in her eyes. "Cute speech. Nice way to be remembered by your clanmates, except.. Your words are false." She laughed, and lunged at the cat. Tackling the feeble tom to the ground, she dug her claws into his flesh and finished him off with a hard and fast bite to his neck. She looked up, specks of blood dotting her muzzle. "Now, who wants to go next?" She said, her words echoing through camp. All ShadowClan cats began to slink away, wishing not to lose their lives. The tortoiseshell then turned to me. "Broken, take your pick." I nodded, and glanced at Blackstar, who was standing where he was when Moss was confronting him, frozen is shock and fear, his mouth agape, and fur bristling. I quickly looked away, and locked my gaze into a russet she-cat with amber eyes, frail and afraid. Her eyes were stretched wide in fear as I approached her. A single word slipped out of my muzzle.


A/N: uh oh.... Why isn't Blackstar being a good leader and stopping the BloodClan cats? Well, I felt I should leave you with this little cliffhanger <3 I absolutely love Moss' character. How do these cats make good speeches on the spot? They're magical.

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