||chapter two||

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(A/N: I decided to make this book third person, because third person is just so much easier for me to write. Hope you guys still enjoy :) I also decided to put the song above because I was writing and it played and I almost cried. So yeah, enjoy! ~J)

Dean took a drag of his cigarette and placed it down on the ashtray besides him. Roman was coming soon, at least that's what he had told Dean a few minutes ago. He snatched his phone from inside his pocket.

'I'll be there in a few.'
Sent: 7:11 PM

Dean placed the phone down and inhaled some more smoke. He smiled with relief. Smoking had always been a pain reliever. It made everything disappear, or at least feel like it did. Dean heard a roar of an engine and turned around quickly.

Nothing was there.

Was his mind playing tricks on him?

He shrugged and was about to take another drag of his cigarette when someone sat down next to him.

"You smoke?" Roman asked, his voice soft and concerned.

Dean looked down and felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Bro it's okay. It's your life not mine. It's just...I kinda don't want you to die." He chuckled. Dean let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

"Thanks. I thought you were going to kill me." He smiled and looked up at Roman.

"I wouldn't kill someone I love."

Everything seemed to go silent. The birds stopped chirping. The animals in the river stopped playing. And Dean and Roman locked eyes.

Dean licked his lips, feeling that they were suddenly dry.

"Love?" He finally stuttered out. Roman nodded slowly, and then it happened in a blur. They both leaned in, and their lips touched lightly. Soon they were kissing passionately, Roman ripping Dean's shirt off with his rough, calloused hands. Dean suddenly broke away, panting.

"This isn't right." He said weakly. Roman looked down, knowing he was right.

"Maybe another day." Roman sighed running a hand through his sweaty black hair.

"Maybe..." Dean echoed. The sexual tension in the room was high, but they both knew they couldn't do what they wanted most. So they just decided to talk for the rest of the time. It was hard, but they managed to get through the night.

"Well I have to go..." Roman trailed off. "Sorry." he mumbled.

Dean pushed his chin up. "It's okay. I understand."

Roman smiled and pecked his cheek, then walked away slowly.


AAANNDDD I FINALLY UPDATED. HOPE Y'ALL ARE HAPPY BC IM NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE ON MY PHONE RN. sorry it's so short tho :( oh well. hope you enjoyed! thanks for actually reading this poorly written book. love ya all!


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