||chapter ten||

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just a fluff chapter because i can't with the angst in the current storyline. enjoy your escape from reality!


'Dean Ambrose let go from WWE.'

'Dean Ambrose: His secret gay love?'

Dean scrolled through the multiple articles about last night. He was let go minutes after the live interview ended. Roman was let off on a warning because he attempted to go through with the plan, but of course, Dean 'ruined that.'

Dean's face lit up as his phone rang. The screen read 'babe' as the caller ID and he quickly accepted the call.

"Hey babe, are you done with training?" Dean asked. 

"Yup. I'll be back at the hotel in 30 minutes. Think you can keep holding on for that long?" Roman joked as Dean laughed on the other end of the call. 

"Of course. I love you."

"I love you more."

Dean smiled widely and hung up the phone. Just hearing Roman's voice distracted him temporarily from the pain he felt. He dramatically threw himself against the pillow. Wrestling was his life. WWE was his life. Dean had no idea what to do without it. He grabbed the hotel remote and fumbled with the buttons. The TV was on some sitcom channel, but all he heard was a buzz. Without WWE, without his job, he was worthless. All he has is Roman and his job. Now, he just had Roman, who was barely home because of work. So Dean was alone.


He hated being alone. The quiet was so loud. He missed the sound of the shower running. Waiting for Roman to come out so they could cuddle, the cuddle sessions turning into make-out sessions, turning into...well you know the rest.

A knock filled the silence and Dean leaped out of bed to see who it was. Putting his eye to the peephole, he smiled widely. Dean unlocked the door to see Roman standing there, dripping with sweat. Dean ignored this and the fact that he has multiple bags in his hands and kissed him softly. Roman wasn't expecting the kiss but slowly melted into it. He pulled away.

"Someone missed me?" Roman smirked, walking into the door. He set his bags down and plopped himself on the couch, Dean trailing behind.

"Of course I did babe...I'm not used to days off. When I have them, we usually have them together..." Dean's voice trailed off.

"Hey hey hey," Roman squeezed Dean's hand lightly. "It's okay. This is gonna take some getting used to. But I'll be there for every step I can. If not physically, then in your heart."

Dean chuckled and rolled his eyes. "You're such a mush, babe."

"Maybe I am. But I'm your mush."

They broke out into laughter, and Dean leaned his head on Roman's shoulder, his smile infectious. Roman peered down and immediately caught the love bug. 

"You're so adorable, you know that, right? I really hate not being with you 24/7." 

"I know babe. I hate it too. I don't know what I'm gonna work as. A receptionist? A cashier? God knows no wrestling agency is gonna take a pansexual male in their company. That's too risky. Fans would stop watching." Dean sighed. "And as Vince always says, you can't take risks when it comes to money." 

Roman could feel the depression deep down in Dean's heart, and it hurt him. Dean wasn't used to feeling this. The only feeling he ever had that was as strong as this emptiness in his heart was the opposite feeling: the love he felt for Roman. Every second of every day, he lived for Roman. Dean always checked up on him, always made sure he was alive and well. Why? If Dean lost Roman, he lost all his happiness. Some of that happiness used to lie in the Shield, but ever since Seth tried his little stunt on Dean, this love disappeared. 

"Hey. Babe. Babe?" 

Dean suddenly snapped out of his trance. "Huh?"

"Lost in your thoughts? What's on your mind?" Dean didn't answer and Roman's face softened with concern. "Are you okay? Did something happen while I was gone?"

"No no, nothing happened. I guess I was just lost in the past. Stuck on things that will never be whole again." Dean took his head off Roman's shoulder and got up. "I just need to, uh, splash water on my face." He walked towards the bathroom, leaving Roman behind. 

Dean slammed the door behind him and turned the faucet on. Just thinking about Seth and the Shield made his mind race back to the past. Splashing the water did no good, and his 'flashbacks' started again. Some people wouldn't consider them flashbacks, but that's all he could categorize them as. All he could hear was Seth's laugh, his persuasive and manipulative tone that made Dean fall in love in the first place. 

He started to splash water quicker and quicker on his face, but Seth wouldn't go away. 

Dean missed him, the days where everything was fine. Where Seth's two-toned hair would bring a smile to his face. How he would dye it for Seth and he would pretend he hated it. Seth really loved when Dean dyed his hair. He liked when Dean did anything for him. That was the weirdest part. As time went on Dean fell in love, but he was only a maid to Seth. Someone to do his dirty work. 

But that first year, god, it was perfect. 

A sudden banging interrupted Dean's thoughts. 

"Dean? Dean? Yo, Dean for real, what the hell is going on in there? Are you okay?" His tone started to get more frantic as he continued his questions. "Dean! Why is the door locked? What are you doing in there?!" 

Dean stopped the faucet and slowly opened the door, collapsing into Roman's arms. "I hate him." He whispered. 

"Who? You hate a lot of people Dean. Who messed with you-" Sudden realization dawned on him. "You're thinking about Seth again, aren't you." 

Dean nodded slowly, ashamed of his own mind. 

"Hey. Hey, look at me." Dean looked up at Roman, vulnerability shining in his eyes. 

"He's not here anymore. He won't hurt you anymore. I promise you." Roman led him to the bed and laid Dean down. "You need rest, you look mentally drained." 

"I've done nothing all day. I don't deserve rest. I need to do something physical..." A grin appeared on Dean's face. "I have a perfect idea." 

Roman shook his head. "No No No. Rest. Sleep. At least lay down and cuddle. Maybe I'll change my mind after I get my daily cuddle time." 

Dean laughed softly and melted into Roman's arms. "You're really persuasive Reigns. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for actually caring about my mental health."

"Of course, Ambrose." Roman pulled him closer. "Anything for the love of my life." 

"Roman?" Dean looked him in the eyes. 

"Yeah, Dean?"

"Take a shower. You smell like sweat."

They both erupted into laughter, and Roman tightened his grip on Dean. 

"I'm not going anywhere Ambrose. Deal with the stench." 

They began to laugh again. It was like all of Dean's fears disappeared in the arms of the love of his life. In the arms of Roman Reigns. 


sup hoes, i'm back part 100. i just realized my book is #305 in pansexual and #883 in wwe, and i kinda wanna keep them rising. also with the shield and their angsty storyline lately, i've been hurting and neede some fluff. SOOOO this is a fluff chapter. just some love between the two. because we need that recently.  

anyways, i made a twitter and i really wanna talk to some of y'all and even become friends! because i need wwe friends really badly. so hmu, my user @/shieldsbxtch, just message me and say hello! thanks for getting me in the top 1000 of those 2 tags! 

~J xx

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