New Beginings

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Well Helen knew what day it was and she didn't make anyone in her house forget it."I'm finally going! I'm actually going!" she screamed,while jumping through the house.Heln had been dreaming of this day every since and wanted to know if it relly was a wonderful place to be.Her thoughts were well of as she was looking forward to seeing fancy rooms that are filled with snobby girls that feed off their mummies and daddies."I'm going to learn so many interesting things.I might even learn latin and ballet!" said Helen excitedly.Little did she know what lurks behind those doora or in perticular who."I'm so happy for you sweetie! That's why i made your favourite as a good bye prezzie.Pancakes."replied Helen's mum.

As the car started,out came the mountain of suitcases.They were heading up north outside of the city and into unknown territory.Through the winding trees they traveledas the countryside never ended however nothing dampened her mood.The thoughts cascaded through her mind.Finally she gad reached the destination.St Hollington.The car doors opened and a pair of black ,ballet,pumps were placed on the floor.The gaps in the windows revealed the faces of girls,with faces all unique and enough hair colours to make a rainbow.Suddenly the car's doors slamed and it drove off into the distance leaving Helen to fend for herself. A ugly women ,walked out of the school doors,with a giant wart on the tip of her noes.Her face could turn anyone into stone.Then the so called women spoke."Ahh,Welcome to St Hollington.You must be Helen"And that's when Helen realised that the lady's teeth were all in the wrong place."My name is Ms Buckton,I'll be your head mistress for the rest of your time here at this school."At  that moment the current head girl,Maya Lovejoy,walked out to stand right next ot Ms Buckton.She started showing me all round the school.The classrooms were empty and so were the corridoors but everything changed when we went up to the bedrooms.Everyone was in thier groups and each room had a different style with different people in it."Well Helen,There are 5 main groups here that you could be apart of"Said Maya.These groups were all diverse in every detail.

The Posh Totties:Run by the poshest of the posh,Chelsea .Their room ofcorse is like buckingham palace.They have chandalers everywhere.The poshest sofas you will ever see and the wardrobe that would make any female jealous.The only way Helen could become one of them is if she was related to a rich duke of was going out with one so,that's a no. Chelsea's most loyal followers are Freya and Ally.Though many people don't know think thos girls are harmless and just your average brain-less upper-class,oh no,behind their leaders back the twins(Freya and Ally) can turn nasty.They are specialy trained in the art of pranking,as they hold the world record for pulling the biggest prank in the quickest time ever (1 min and 35 secs).The reason why they were able to join Chelsea's group is that,Freya once dated the the duke of sussex's son,Ally supposedly dated prince fredrick of Norway and their dad is completely loaded and spoiles them rotten.

The Emos: This is the darker and more emotionaly destroted side of the school.The most grimist person of the group ,Zaia,is convinced she is a vampire because on her 8th birthday her parents took her into a gothic castle,where a bat resident took a liking to her neck.Although we actually  there is a bat noise comming from their room i highly doubt it is Zaia changing.They are very unique bunch of people and their dress sense reflects that.As you may be expecting they have a room covered in skulls with draps covering the windows to blackout lights.All the emos are wierd but the worst is Laura. Even though when she was a kid her parents made her do everything girly,she has turned into the most emotional person you will ever know.She dots her i's with skulls and is obsessed with sycopaths and serial killers.

The Ecos:The enviromentaly friendly group do everything and anything to stop global warming,they say we will regret the day mother nature will turn on us.The leader,Chloe,is a super nature freak because she won't eat fast food,she only buys recycled clothes(Explaining her older than vintage style) and will never ever harm any living creature.The room is a recycled heaven,the green wallpaper is made by old newspaper,the lights are made of coloured bottles,the beds are made by trees the cut and built themselves from the school grounds(but she did plant 3 more for everyone she cut down) and last but not least insted of a wardrobe they have string across the ceiling.

The Geeks:These aren't just any geeks these are St Hollington geeks so instead of using their knowledge for good they like a better challenge of breaking into the world's biggest banks and sending viruses to people's computers.This means that the girls her use them to rewrite they're credit score and goverment records.Their computer skills can do anything that's possible,if they want to crack a code or cover up your fingerprints.They can help.The head brainbox is Bridgette,the head adviser on all technical missions.They are the samrtest in all the scholl but unlike you adverage geeks they are loved by all the girls.

The Bad:The are  just the worst of the worst.They specialise in pulling pranks and creating havock.If you are ever in a room with them I advise you to run as there is always going to be a trap just round the corner.They have no perticular style however their belts,a super divice made to make the best of pranks quickly in whatever situation they're in at any time of day.The leader is Olivia Mills,the worls champion pranker 5 times and considering she was competing against the best such as Peter "pea-shooter" Johnson and Selena "sling-shot" Williams.You wouldn't want to ever get on the wrong side of her.

"Now.You've seen all the groups in our establisment,where would you think you'll fit in?"asked Maya.Helen inquisitively at all the groups.She didn't consider herself a emo as she hated the shade of black.The eco freaks aren't the group for her as she loves fast food.The geeks are just pros at the computers unlike her.She can't pull a pran kin her life so the bad group isn't the best choice.Then a voice spoke up out of the crowd of a jumble sale of children.It  was Chelsea."Wait a Helen Noitcerid.Aren't you?"she pushed her way right up to Helen."Your Mum does the best make-up collection i have ever seen!I've heard of you in all the magazines but never in person.You have to join me,Freya and Ally tonight."Helen look sort of pleased that she wouldn't be sleeping by herself but still will she like the their way of living? Only time will tell.

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