Chapter 4

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My alarm went off as per usual and it honestly felt like such a drag. With my minimal sleep and overly perky roommate I was exhausted.
"Ready?" She chirped tightening her perfect ponytail.
I nodded trying to seem like I wasn't sleep deprived at the moment.
"Is something wrong? You keep looking down?" She asked putting her hand on my shoulder.
"Not really, we can talk about it while running yeah?"
She nodded in agreement and we went off on our early morning run.
We headed off in our morning run and I started off the conversation about yesterday.
"So on the way to practice yesterday I dropped my notebook and this guy picked it up," I started off.
"What he cute?" She smirked.
"Maybe," I smiled biting my bottom lip. We laughed at our little joke and then I started again.
"So he gives it to me, but he acts like a total bitch about it. I mean like he has absolutely no manners. After our little encounter he gave me his phone number even though I clearly showed no interest. Then again after practice I ran into him and suddenly he is telling me we have a date. Like not even asking just saying like yeah we have a date like who does that?"

After my mini tangent and a little bit of a back and forth conversation we finished our run.

"So how was your first day?" I asked towel drying my hair in front of the mirror in our dorm.
"Nothing compared to yours!" She laughed.
"Ha ha ha very funny."
"It is that's why I laughed," she smiled.
We carries on our day and I went to all my classes with no trouble, that is until I entered my intro to psych class. Of course there had to be the one person I didn't want to see there, Louis. I rolled my eyes before taking a my seat. He watched me as I took my seat and took out the same notebook I dropped yesterday. Only this time I had covered it in small doodles with sharpie. Since I was a couple minutes early I started drawing some more before I realized the professor had started talking. I started to pay attention but it was very hard when I could feel Louis's eyes staring at the back of my head. As soon as he dismissed what felt like the longest class ever, I bolted out the door.
"Wait up!" Louis called after me.
That only made me run faster.
"For a track star you aren't very fast," he remarked.
I glared at him before I realized I shouldn't be wasting my time with him.
"What do you want?" I groaned.
"Why do you assume I want something?" He smiled amused by my annoyance.
"Ugh can you just get to the point I have to go."
"And where might you be headed," he smiled annoying me even more.
"The locker rooms. Now let me go."
"See you at seven," he winked before leaving me alone.
I shake my head at his remarks and head to the locker rooms. I walked to the meeting spot with Becca, Darcy, and Lilly.
"Hey do you guys know Louis?" I asked.
"Tomlinson?!" Lilly brightened up.
"Um yeah,"
"He is only the cutest guy on campus!" She beamed.
"Does he date a lot around here?"
"Yeah he has a date everyday. If you're lucky he will go on one once a week with you!"
They all fantasized about Louis. Personally I didn't see anything to fantasize about he just seemed like your average fuck boy. I shrugged it off and followed my workout routine. By the time I finished my workout the sun had started to set and I was too exhausted to walk all the way across campus. I didn't want everyday to be this tiring but I kinda don't have a choice. I toughened up and started the dreadful walk back to the dorms.

"Hey!" Liz greeted me as I walked in.
"Hi," I mumbled back plopping myself on the bed.
"You better go an get ready for your date," she teased.
"Ha ha ha very funny!"
"Indeed it is," she smiled.
I shook my head and headed for the showers.

I was finally ready to get this dumb date over with. I wore a white knitted sweater and a pair of leggings. I slipped on my black converse and grabbed my phone and some money.
"You could at least try to look nice," she laughed.
"I'm going casual," I stated leaving.

It was freezing cold outside but I sucked it up. I made my way to the back to the building and was there 5 past 7.
"You're late lets go," he rudely stated leading me somewhere.
"Someone's in a pissy mood," I mumbled.
"What's that?" He raised his voice.
"Wow your such a gentlemen," the amount of sarcasm in my voice was evident.
"Don't be such a priss!" He fired back.
I giggled at his anger before we finally reached a parking lot.
"I didn't ask for this date. In fact I don't really care," I shrugged.
"Then why are you here?" I could tell his blood was boiling at this point.
"Your right. I'm leaving."
As I started to walk away he grabbed my wrist again.
"What with you grabbing my wrist," I chuckled.
"Don't go," his eyes were dark and he seemed hopeless.
That vulnerability was quickly replaced with his emotionless wall facade. I rolled my eyes before abiding.
We walked a little further before we reached a black Porsche.
"What are we doing here?" I asked with my arms folded from the cold.
"We are going on a date," he said.
"Yeah and the car?"
"You for like it?" He smirked.
"This is yours?" My eyebrows scrunched at the disbelief.
"Well if I wanted to steal it I sure as hell wouldn't want you."
I rolled my eyes what felt like he millionth time tonight and stepped into the car as held the door open.
"How's that for a gentleman," he winked before shutting the door.
I smiled and bit my lip at his words as he hopped into the drivers seat.
"Are your cold?" He asked turning on the heat.
I put my hands towards the vent and silently thanked him.
"Where are we going?" I asked as he entered the busy traffic.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out," he smirked.
"Stop using my lines!" I laughed putting my head back.
"Is miss good two shoes blushing?" He smiled making me blush even more.
"Stop!" I laughed.
"Didn't your mother ever tell you to stay away from the bad ones," he laughed mocking a motherly tone.
"Maybe," I smirked back having a little fun.
"So where are we going?" I asked again.
"It's a surprise quite asking," he seemed annoyed.

What's with his attitude I'm here trying to make the most pf this terrible date and he just has to be moody! I rolled my eyes and stared out the window at the city light.

"Hey I'm sorry," I soft spoke putting his hand on my thigh.
"It's fine," I calmly states not wanting to create something that isn't there.
"I hate surprises," I mumbled.
"Then this should be a fun night," he lightened up again.
"What's with your sudden mood swings? They're giving me a whip lash!" I breathed.
He ignored my comment and turned on the radio.
He turned it up and a vulgar rap song started playing.
I flinched at the words he used and tried my best to to throw the radio out the car.
"What is this?" I shrieked.
"It's the only bad song I have don't worry" he laughed changing the song.
He changed the song to the weeknd.
I didn't know the bad but they didn't seem as bad as the song before.
"How much longer?" I ask.
"Just sit back and relax I got this," he smiled.

Well this is going to be fun I mentally replied.

I use a lot of sarcasm
Thanks for reading lovelies
Stay beautiful
Love yourself
Happy thanksgiving

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