*~Chapter 1: "Home-School "~*

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So, mainly everyone's woken up feeling like hell. Students, can relate to this the most, and I'm sure you won't disagree. I mean, school is hell. Hence why right now, I'm struggling to get uo from bed.

'Come on Tas...Mom will kill you if your late..' A part of my mind said, and I knew it was true. But yet, I went along with the other part of me saying to stay in bed, what's the point of getting up if your just gonna stay home?

So, this is the part where I tell you that I'm homeschooled. Have been all my 18 years actually. With my older siblings being homeschooled when they were my age, my mother decided to play it safe, and keep me homeschooled. She hired a tutor and everything, making it seem like I really was going to the prison my internet friends go to. Pressing the snooze button, I let my eyes become droopy again. The tutor us always 30 minutes late, what's the point?

Yeah...my mother didn't agree with my statement it seems, since she waltzed into my room.

"Tassia! Honey, your going to be late for your sessions with your tutor! Hurry up, go get ready." She assured me, lifting me up from my bed. So much for trying to sleep in I guess...

"Mom, he always is 30 minutes late...can't I sleep for a little bit?.." I pouted, getting my brown hair away from my eyes.

My mom sighed. "Tassia, if I keep letting you sleep in, you'll never know want to get up on time when you get a job or something.", she got up from my bed, "Get ready for the day, and come downstairs to eat." She added before leaving my door and closing it.

I yawned, and streched a bit before getting up and walking to my closet. I picked out a red cardigan, black dress, and black boots. Not usually on my dress list but y'know, I was kinda feeling it.

Placing the clothes on my bed, I went inside my bathroom, and began to start my routine.
//Time-Skip to when Tassia's tutor gets there since I didn't feel like going to much into detail
about her routine .-. :3//

I waited patiently in the study room ny tutor used to teach me. Tapping my fingers slightly against the table, I checked the time on my phone. Only 15 before he gets here...Maybe I should see if any of my online friends are sneaking their peeks at their phones during class.

Being homeschooled, it was hard to make friends here in my neighborhood, since I rarely talked much. However, online was a different story. I was able to connect with various kinds of people, and befriend them. One of my closest friends online, is named Evan. We never really saw what the other looked like. We were waiting until we met each other, to reveal ourselves.

Don't worry, he's not dangerous, or secretly an old man, I checked in with other friends that I have seen through Skype, who have seen him, and they calmed my nerves a bit.

Anyway, I unlocked my phone and saw that I had a notification on Twitter. Feeling curious, I saw that it was Evan, complaining how he had to go to a public school, and how lucky I was to stay home. I chuckled a bit, and was about to reply, when suddenly the study door opened.

Quickly, I shoved my phone back in my pocket, as my tutor emerged in front of me, not getting a chance to reply to Evan's quirky little remark.

"Good morning Tassia, you slept well?" My instructor asked me, setting down his briefcase.

"Good morning, Mr. Wittrock, yeah I got a good nightg rest, though it wouldn't hurt for me to have a few more hours of snooze." I said, taking out my pencil. "So what are we gonna learn today?"

"Please, Tassia, I've known you since you were 8. You're allowed to call me Finn." He smiled, taking out a calculus textbook. "And I figured we could work a bit on calculus, since you are a bit weak in it."

"Alrighty Mr- I mean Finn." I corrected myself and got out my notebook.

"Start with Chapter 2, Lesson 3."
*~Another Timeskip, since...ah...I don't take calculus yet. -3- ~*

"And that's all for today, Tassia!.." Then Finn mumbled something, and I saw his smile flatter a bit.

"What was that, Finn? Are you alright?" I asked, placing down my books and walking towards him.

Suddenly, he wrapped me in a hug, leaving me a bit confused, but I hesitantly hugged him back.


He let me go, then put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm afraid this will be our last encounter for a while Tassia..."

My eyes widened, and I blinked rapidly. Last encounter? What does he mean?

"Mr.Wittrock...I don't understand. W-What are you talking about?"

"It'll make sense to you later on, after your mom tells you...some news. But promise me that you'll continue being the bright girl you always were. Thats all I wanted to say to you."


"Promise me Tassia!"

I blinked rapidly to avoid any tears to fall out. "I-I understand Finn..."

"Bye Tassia." He gave a sad smile and got his things, leaving our study room.

I sullenly walked over to my table, and placed the things back to normal, still shaken up over what just happened.

"What was he talking about?..." I wondered out loud, when I heard someone clearing their throat behind me.

I turned around and saw my mother there, looking very famished.

"There's...something I need to tell you." She said, as she walked towards me.

"Did you fire Finn?..." I asked.

My mother shook her head. "No! Of course not. It's something else."

And thats when I caught glimpse of multiple packages behind her back. It couldn't be what I'm thinking right?...

"Mom...Whats going on?" I asked, crossing my arms behind my back.

"Tassia, you know how many of your older siblings already moved out?...Well, the mortgage is getting too high, just for our small little group. So, your father and I...W-we found a house, that fits just for us."


"Tassia...We're moving."

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