*~Chapter 3: "Bye Jersey, Hello California~*

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Previously on Can We Be More Than This?
"Yes honey?"

"Where are we moving to?"


Damn, thats like...far from New Jersey, but hey I like palm trees so, it's a win-lose kinda thing.

Violet.Tas: California

Then, Evan sent a voice message, along with Lily typing out squeals. "Oh my gosh Tassia. We live in California! We could finally see what we look like."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~And so it continues~~~~~~

Who would know 1 week would fly so fast?...Once minute your cramming all your clothes and objects into boxes, the next your resting your head against the taxi window.

The day was beginning to start, and I could see the sun peeking up from the buildings that we passed.

"Tassia, it won't be a little while till we reach the airport, why not rest a bit?" My mom suggested.

I shakily look towards her. "It's alright mom, I'll manage...Maybe on the plane." I chuckled a bit.

My mom handed me something wrapped in tinfoil. "Then at least eat a bit before we get there...The excitement of meeting your friends is changing up your 'daily food' system."

I playfully rolled my eyes, and unwrapped the tinfoil, for it to reveal a bagel. "Thanks once again mom."

"Eat fast...I think I can hear the planes from the airport not too far!"
~Timeskip to them boarding the plane.~

I waited patiently as the plane was getting ready to take off. Checking my phone, I saw that I still had a bit of signal, taking the opportunity I decided to type in the group chat saying how I was on my way to California.

Violet_Tas: Hey guys! On my way to California right now. I'll keep you guys updated as soon as I get there.

Rabe~Lily: Can't wait till you get here!!! Super excited to finally see you in person.

Evan_Darling: I agree completely with Lily. I'll finally get to see what face matches the adoarble personality~

Blushing a bit, I sent out my last message, and put my phone on airplane mode. Best to conserve battery on a 5 hour and 24 minute flight.

"Hm...It's 7 A.M now...By the time we get there it should be around 12:24 or so..." My mom calculated, as she leaned back into her seat.

"Ah so it'll still be a bit early...Since time is different over there."

"Right...Forgot about that part...Then it's 4 A.M over there... And near there time is...Oh I cannot deal with mathematics right now! Not when I'm thinking of all the nice weather over there."

I laughed at my mom's antics, when finally I heard the pilot say the words we've been waiting to hear.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be taking off to California at this time,
please fasten your seatbelts, and put away electronic devices until it is allowed to have them out again. Hope you'll enjoy the flight."

My mom and I smiled at eachother, and looked out the window.

Goodbye New Jersey...California, here I come.

Evan's P.O.V:

"Are you sure that's the airport she's going to drop off in?"

"I am 100% sure! Her last text had her location on from her airport. It's positive she'll land on this one!" Lily exclaimed, her blonde curls bouncing behind her as she jumped up and down.

I stared at the picture on my laptop, and grinned slightly. "Well then what are we waiting for! Let's go see our Tassia!"

"Evan?...We can't excatly do that yet..."

"And why not?"

"One, it's 4 in the morning, and you still look a bit too tired to drive. Two, she won't be here until around 9 or so...And three...Your still in your sleepwear."

"Oh...Righhhtt..." I leaned into my chair, and looked up at the ceiling.

"I will see you soon Tas..."

"Who are you talking too?"

"I'm thinking out loud Miss.Day! Plus...I'm still a bit tired."


"I dunno your a morning person so...the nickname Ms.Day was born~!"

"Get some rest Evan..."

"I will...Wake me up at 7 am."

Can We Be More Than This?..{{Parmiga Highschool! AU}}Where stories live. Discover now