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Elliot completely closed the gap between the two of you erasing the look of worry that he had once worn. Seeing him again made your heart flutter and you couldn't help but wonder if that same feeling would return every time you would look at him. Watching his body language, he seemed that he wanted more physical contact but kept his composure professional due to the large amount of people in the area. Instead, his hand quickly grabbed on to yours firmly intertwining his fingers with yours.

"Is something bothering you?" you couldn't help but ask remembering the small look of worry.

"No..." he trailed off before speaking again. "We just had a new client that came in complaining about a hack."

"Oh really? Who is it?" you asked him curious about the company that needed help. Typically only large companies brought in a third party if their systems had been hacked.

Elliot hesitated for a moment before answering you. "McGraw-Hill. The textbook company."

Suddenly you felt your heart drop at the mention of one of the largest schooling textbook companies in the country. After years of hacking into their databases and leaking their textbooks for free online, the panic filled your mind that you were about to be your boyfriend.

"Have you found any leads?" you asked gulping hard desperately afraid knowing well that what you had been doing was highly illegal costing the company millions of dollars but saving students from crippling debt the best you could.

"No not yet. Whoever's doing it is hiding behind a pretty secure system." he answered with a small smile giving your hand a gentle squeeze.

Giving a silent sigh in relief, you smiled back knowing you were safe for at least another day. Though guilt quickly racked your feelings as the realization set in that Elliot would eventually discover your secret and you would have a lot of explaining to do. It's easy for you to be able to love someone who could hack into different databases and the private lives of peers but knowing Elliot didn't do any of those things how could you expect him to feel the same way?

"Well I know you're pretty smart so you'll catch whoever's doing it." you reassured him secretly praying he ended up in failure.

"You might be giving me too much credit...but I'll take it." he smiled more brightly before biting his lower  lips. "I should be getting back inside. Be careful walking around by yourself. I'll see you after work."

Bringing your hand to his lips, he gently kissed the back before letting your hand fall and heading back toward the large building. You stood still watching his back fade away into the large double glass doors before making your leave. Feeling the urge to chase him and wanting more affection, you managed to gain control of yourself and continue shopping for professional work clothes.

~~~Hours later~~~

Slowly walking back to the street your apartment building had been on, you struggled with the many bags in your hands filled with new clothing just waiting to be worn. Exhausted, hours had been spent in fancy stores trying on piece after piece and swiping your card more times than you would have liked. Elliot and Angela were sure to be home by this time despite wanting to beat them both home.

More people fresh from work crowded the streets making it even more difficult for you to outmaneuver those around you the closer you came to the apartment building. Bursting through the door, you thanked the Lord as your back began to hurt from the miles of walking with heavy bags. The last part of the journey would be the multiple stairs standing in between you and the comfortable couch loudly calling your name.

Slowly walking up the stairs your heavy feet managed to continue forward despite wanting to collapse and make a new home there instead. With each passing step, you silently gave yourself small pep talks to continue on.

"There you are..." you suddenly heard Elliot's voice come closer breaking you from your motivational internal speech. "You should have told me earlier you would need help. I would have came to you instead of coming home."

"Oh it's alright. I don't want to bother you." you told him as he quickly met you in the middle of the stairs taking your bags from you without effort.

"You think this would be bothering me?" he asked with a small laugh turning on his heel to walk farther along.

"I don't know...maybe." you smiled watching as he acted the perfect gentlemen which made your heart swell.

Instead of walking into the apartment you had shared with Angela, he walked straight into his leaving the door open for you to follow. Entering his apartment, you watched as he set the bags on his small table.

"Want to see what I bought?" you asked him ruffling through the bags.

"Sure." he replied quickly leaving the table and taking a seat on his couch against the wall. "Are you going to model them for me?"

Looking at the innocent smile on his face, you knew there was no way you could say no to his question.

"I'd love to." you responded flashing a smile back at him as you once again gathered the bags and took them into his bathroom closing the door behind you.

Changing out of your current outfit and into a new chic black matching dress pants and blazer with a white shirt, you straightened the clothing before walking back out into the opening where Elliot patiently waited.

" do I look?" you asked him giving a slow spin so he could see the back as well as the front.

Elliot's expression remained unreadable for a few moments before he stood from his spot. "Working with you is going to be difficult." he breathed out eyeing up your body in your new outfit.

"Really? Why's that?" you asked him as his closed the distance and brought you in for a soft kiss.

"It's going to be hard keeping my hands off you." he replied before giving you another kiss. "Can we...Can I..."

"I'm sorry what?" you asked again as he struggled to get the words out.

"Can I take these clothes off of you?" he asked in a small voice looking into your eyes with his wide ones waiting anxiously for your response.

~~~To be continued~~~

Mr. Robot - Elliot Alderson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now