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Elliot began leaving a pattern of soft kisses against the side of your neck as he continued to relax his body on top of yours. Every muscle in his body rested easy as you kept a tight grip around his lower waist keeping him in place and close against you. His familiar perfect scent teased your senses making your mind cloud and ignore any concept of reality while he was near.

"I love you." he mumbled between slow kisses just loud enough for you to hear. He didn't seem anxious or excited with his words as he stated it as a fact...something normal and right.

"I love you too." you replied just as quiet with a growing smile forming across your lips.

Staring up at the ceiling of the arcade turned hacker headquarters, you couldn't help but wear the bright smile taking in everything that was happening. Your life has had such a drastic change since leaving your familiar small town to the mystery of the scary big city that seemed to have surprise after surprise waiting for you. In a million years, you would never guessed you would have met the love of your life in a shitty apartment that was conveniently located right next to yours.

For years and years growing up, you watched those around you participate in normal activities including dating and socializing where you had lacked severely. Though now at your current age, it was finally your turn. You had completely cut out the middle awkward heart breaking teenage phase that all of your friends had gone through and skipped straight to the best moments life had to offer.

This romance had taken off in the speed of light barely allowing you to buckle up for the fast ride. Shifting your eyes down toward your lovers body at peace, you began to rub your head up and down his back slowly trying to bring him as much comfort as possible. It seemed in his life he had been through more bull-shit than you had ever thought possible but still somehow managed to love you with every sense of his being. Not a day went by in the time of you had known Elliot that he didn't make you feel like you were the most beautiful being in the entire world.

"(Y/n)..." Elliot mumbled breaking the comfortable silence that had taken over.

"Yeah?" you answered immediately taking in the tone of his voice that sounded more as if he had been dreaming instead of actually ready to ask you a question.

"Nothing." he softly chuckled against your neck. "I just love saying your name."

Just when you thought your smile couldn't grow any bigger, Elliot somehow managed to make you happier and happier. A single thought continued to cross your mind bringing itself front and center no matter how many times you swatted it away knowing just how crazy it was.

Feeling Elliot's lips touch the sensitive skin on your neck once more, you decided to blurt out that thought no longer caring just how crazy it was.

"Elliot..." you spoke up now with a more serious tone that surely got his attention as you felt his lips rapidly leave your neck.

Propping himself up on his elbow he looked into your eyes with a bit of concern.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked hesitantly seeming ready to jump off of you.

Grabbing tightly onto his side to keep him from leaving you, you kept steady eye contact with him as the words from your mind poured out of your lips out loud for him to hear.

"Let's get married." you finally said still keeping your eyes on his looking for any signs of discomfort or any indicating that you had just scared him off with your suddenness.

"Really?" he asked still with a look of shock across his face trying to determine if he had just heard you right.

"Yeah. Right now. Today." you spoke up as Elliot quickly pushed backed off of you and letting his feet hit the cold cement floor.

"Yes." he smiled grabbing your hands and pulling you off of the machine with such excitement. "Yes. Today. I'm ready."

Pulling you into a deep kiss, Elliot held tighter onto your waist than he ever had before.

~~~To be continued~~~

Mr. Robot - Elliot Alderson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now