The End had Arrived..The soviets Knocked on Berlins Door as Germany's Last Hopes of Finding a way to end the war had Vanished As the End Drew Near the last of Germany's Generals Were called together By The Fuhrer for a Final Cabinet Meeting.Generals Ulrich Shadet,Wilhelm Burgdorf,Walter Mohnke,Frederick Krebs,and A Young General Not yet Thirty By the name of Edward,Edward Ricthofen of a Lowly city in Bavaria Called Wiemar.Standing at Attention he Looked at the Fuhrer with Growing Concern Thinking to Himself Why the Fuhrer was Cowering inside This dank and cold bunker and not Leading the Remnant of die Wehrmacht! Surely had He been on the surface leading them they could Prevail!He was called from his thoughts as Hitler Addressed the Young Doctor-General"And Dr Ricthofen? Project 115 Has Proven Fruitful?"Yes answered the German as he Strode forward,Papers in hand and he laid them on the Fuhrers desk."We gained the Undead we release them come the Sunrise on the Red Scum.. As long as Our Panzers can Support the gap!"General Ulrich Smirked as Edward Said all this and Said"Oh Dont Worry,My Tanks shall kill A THOUSAND of the reds LONG befor eyour infected get out of the Underground"The Fuhrer Dismissed the Meeting as Ulrich and Edward went to the mess hall to get Dinner."Brother do you think it shall work?"Edward Said to Ulrich as He Scooped hot Mashed potatoes into his plate and grabbing a vodka."I Sure Hope it will or we lose all that we have fought for.. "Said the General as he sat at a Table.Edward Looked at his Brother and Whispered"I Kill Der Fuhrer tonight..We cannot allow Germany to fall and die away to Communist rule..."Ulrich Sat there and whispered"I Agree but shall not participate I Will Cover for you.."Edward Nodded and walked away into his Quarters.Later as he sat looking at a photo of his wife, Edward Was summoned to the Fuhrers Chambers,Edward Held his Silenced Luger behind his Back as He approached The Fuhrer"I Am Proud of your Findings Doctor...Your Service to the Riech is invaluable"Edward Smiled and Fires two rounds into the fuhrers head and then into his wife's head before she could scream.Edward Laughed to himself and Put the Fuhrers cap into his Bag and locked the door as he went out of the Fuhrers Chambers and Up to the Surface.Ulrich Waited with Two Motorcycles for Edward and looked at Him as he walked out of the Bunkers Exit."Is it Finished?"Asked the German as He Got onto the Motorcycle"935 Has just Took Our Biggest Step...For what i Have For a Better Tomorrow"Ulrich Laughed and Started his Motorcycle and Looked at Edward"Now...We go to the Reichstag to assume control..."They Rode past Bomb craters towards the Riechstag and street sections opened and the infected Shambled out Stunning the Russian Troops and Quickly overrunning the Red Army.Edward Stood on the Balcony Staring out at the 935 Troops Securing Berlin."Now it is time for us to get Mien Liebe"Whispered the Future Fuhrer.
Desolation 1945
Historical FictionEscape from Berlin...AKA Running from the Afterlife