Me and Harry were snuggled in coats, hats, and gloves walking through Hyde Park hand in hand. We had just gotten off a carriage ride he had rented after our date to Luigi's Italian Restaurant. It was a beautiful, stary night in November; snowing for sure. Not light, but not heavy.

"Have I ever told you that I love the snow?" I said.

"Yeah, plenty of times, babe." he chuckled.

"I want a beautiful, white, Christmas wedding." I said grinning like, as Harry says, A Cheshire Cat.

I looked over to Harry and his face was pale and he was looking straight foward with wide eyes. His breathing started to get heavy and he stopped walking. I looked at him and he just stood in place. I stood infront of him and placed my hands on his cheeks and his still looked into the distance.

"Harry, babe, what's the matter?"

He looked at me with wide eyes and took in deep breath. I chuckled at what I think he might be thinking.

"Babe, we wont have to worry about a wedding anytime soon." I assured him.

He let out a deep breath and a smile.

"Sorry I just..."

"I know. Its fine. How about we go back to my parents and I can get some clothes and sleep at yours, huh?" I questioned.

"Of course." he replied placing his cold lips on mind.


"Dad! All this time I've been staying at Harry's and now I can't!? What in bloody hell?!" I yelled infront of my older brother who was, oddly here with his family, and my mum.

He should be on business. He's 25. His name is Blair and his wife Turan is here with their two kids, Ross and Fran. I have a bad feeling about this.

"You don't yell at me! You are not allowed to go to that boys house anymore! That is not lady like or to our religion to stay under the same roof as a man without the commitment of marriage!"

"I'm 19! I don't want to get married!" I said.

"Well you are!"

"What!?" me and Harry yelled.

"Yes, we've choosen a partner for you." my mum said placing her hand on my fathers shoulder.

"No. No, no, no. I refuse."

"You can't refuse. Its already been arranged. The dates been set and we've already chatted with his parents." she informed.

"No! I'm dating Harry! I'm happy! You wouldn't take that from me! Blair's marriage was open!"

"That's different."

"There is no differance! You wouldn't do that to me. You wouldn't." I sobbed.

Harry pulled me back from lunching at my dad.

"Its relig-"

"Shut up! Shut up! No one cares about religion anymore! Let me love the one I want!" I screamed.

"You have tomorrow until I send you off with your fiancé." he said.

I broke down and Harry caught me from falling and pulled me to his chest. I buried my face in it and wrapped my arms around his torso tightly not wanting to let go. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and and sushed me but it didn't work. I was full on sobbing.

"Blakely, all this noise is uncalled for." my father said.

"You fucking dick! I hate you!" I screamed before stalking out the door.

"Blake! Blake!" I heard Harry calling after me but I ignored him and stalked all the way to a bench in the park across the street.

"Blake..." Harry whispered breathlessly.

"Harry..." I said turning to him.

"Yeah?" he asked as he sat beside me, pulling me in his chest.

"I love you." I said before bursting into tears again.

"I love you, too, Blake."


Over Again // h.s. ✔Where stories live. Discover now