Chapter One

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Erin and I kissed Ella's cheeks and went on our way to the Gryffindor table. I got some weird look as my clothes were clearly not second hand like the rest of my families. I had on a fitted cotton blouse with a grey vest and skirt, my red and gold tie on display and my long cloak flowed behind me. Mine and Erin's shoes clicked in time with one another as we walked to our seat. I sat down with my best friend across from Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas. I smiled at my closest guys friend before looking around for my honorary brother, not that I really needed anymore.

"Where's Neville?" Everyone laughed as I looked frantically for my awkward friend. Before I could second guess my actions I was standing on the bench. "NEVILLE!" I yelled out, I really do miss my friends when I'm away from school.

"Please get down Roxanne." I giggled and hopped off the bench giving my bright red friend a bone crushing hug. "Oxygen." He squeaked. I chuckled and stepped back before pulling him down to the bech and launching into stories about summer waving my hands haphazardly around in the air. My friends all laughed and I faked passing out like I did at dinner one night at home after not having eaten anything for a couple days because I kept forgetting. I waved off their questions on how I "forget to eat" and continued. Eventually I let Erin take over the attention knowing I couldn't keep it.

"Welcome." Silence fell over the hall as Dumbledore began his start of term feast. He spoke of a TriWizard Tournament and how two other schools would be joining us this year. After that the feast began. I grabbed only A little piece of ham and a small bun. I looked up and down the table until saw them.

"Deeean..." I sang.

"Whaaaaat?" He mocked me.

"Could you be a doll and pass the brussel sprouts?" I batted my eyelashes and gave my best puppy dog eyes. He laughed and passed me the untouched bowl. I gave myself a large scoup and and began to eat. When I was done I had only eaten half my ham, eight brussel sprouts and two bites of my bun. I saw Neville looking at my plate suspiciously but it was gone before he could say anything. Dessert arrived and while I ate a couple bites of Neville's Chocolate cake I didn't take any for myself. I saw Neville give a disapproving shake of his head but he let it slid.  I waited patiently until the feast was done before getting up with the rest of the hall and leaving to our common room. "Who knows the pass word?" I asked curiously.

"I do, or at least I did." I chuckled at Neville and gave him a quick side hug.

"I've got it." Erin chirped up as she fell into step next to me. I walked silently until Erin commented on some cute Ravenclaw that walked past. I began to laugh so hard I had to use Neville as support.

"It's a new record." I taunted Erin who huffed and stormed past me.

"New record for what?" I cheerful girl asked from behind me. I spun around to face Ella.

"Erin's found her next target." Ella chucked and gave me a hug before heading to the Ravenclaw area with her other friends. I turned back to my friends to see the guys all right behind Erin, I was forgotten and left behind. "Great. Now how am I going to get into the Common Room." I mumbled before attempting to catch up with Erin. I caught her just before we got to the entrance. "Hey, what happened, you totally ditched me."

"I'm not a slut you know." I was shocked at her sudden out burst.

"I know." I said completely confused.

"You act like I am. Always taking about how I go through guys like water. I'm sick of it. You treat me like dirt." I noticed our guys friends were retreating not that I blamed them.

"I've never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry if you thought, I thought you were a slut. I don't I just think you have a hard time with commitment." I felt like slapping myself when I said that. This was not going well. I was oblivious to the crowd below the stairs but apparently Erin wasn't.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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