Chapter 7

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Elizas POV
Perrie grabbed my arm and dragged me across some halls.
"Oh your going to love our girl room, its so big and has so many accessories and clothes and just Perfect!!" Perrie said with excitement. I liked Perrie she was very fun to be around.
We stopped walking once we made it to these huge doors with a sign that said , Girls Only, I smiled and went inside.
Sophia was already there looking through some rackets full of dresses.
"Hey Eliza do you have any ideas of what to wear" sophia had asked me I shook my head and she thought for a moment. "You'll look perfect in blue, don't worry me and Perrie will find the perfect dress".
"Yes we will!!" Perrie said I just sat in a near by sofa and admired the room.
It was huge, it was t half the size of my home.
It was 2 stories high, it had a spa bathroom and a makeup station for every queen with designer dresses and clothes that were custom made for every one of us.
I couldn't believe I was going to be a queen. I couldn't believe it I was just a normal teenager in a small City now to be a queen of everything took me by surprise.
"So Eliza how are you handling This, I mean we all know it's not the same but you'll get use to it".
"Well I mean I do miss home a lot...and wished o could've said goodbye to my family and to my best friend luke, umm Do you guys ever get to visit your families?", I asked them, they looked back at eachother and sophia started talking, "You see once your here, you have to always be with your mate no matter what and after the mate process you practically
Are under control by them and there's nothing you could do but I know I'm making it seem bad but you'll live Niall eventually just like me and Perrie love our mates, it all just takes time". She said giving me a hug.
I don't care right now I feel horrible, he took me from the people I loved, I'm not right to be a queen, I need to head back home.
We had finished picking our dresses and decided to go down to the garden to see everyone, we arrived and sat next to our mates, "So did you pick out a Dress Love?" Niall asked me, "Yes sophia actually picked it out for me","Well I hope it's not too revealing, I wouldn't want other guys all over you", I just giggled and nodded my head he just smiled.
"Since you guys are vampires, do you guys have any powers?" , they all nodded yes, "Oh can you guys tell me your powes?¿ please!!" They all said sure and then Lou stood up, "My power is super speed which all of us have but the other one is reading people's minds" he stared at me and smirked, he was probably trying to see what I was thinking all I could think was stop trying to read my mind Louis!! "Oh your no fun Eliza" he putted while he sat down I just laughed "I am never thinking while your around". He just laughed "You'll forget don't worry love".
Liam then stood up, "My power is super speed as lou said but the other one is the elements of the earth, so I can pretty much do anything I want" he smirked and sat down, all of a sudden all the water from the fountain froze, I turned to see him and he had this dumb smirk and I turn to see the water back to normal, "Well okay Zayn what's your special power?".
He stood up and looked at me, "You see I can't show you my power but all tell you, I can cause pain to people, I can make anyone feel pain just by them looking at my eyes when I'm manipulating".
Omg now I know not to get Zayn angry, all of a sudden lou starts laughing like crazy, Dammit Lou stop reading my thoughts!! No can do love your too funny, all tell Niall your bullying me, you wouldn't dare, oh yes I would, I would like to see you try, "Niall!!", nevermind okay all stop, I knew it haha, "Yes princess?" Niall asked "Oh nothing, nevermind" I said smirking.
"My lords and Madames, dinner is ready" a fellow maid came and told us.
We all got up and headed towards the big dinning room where we all eat every meal. We sat down and ate our supper and enjoyed a good conversation about Harrys and Veronicas wedding day. "So when will your wedding be to exact" zayn asked harry, "Well since Veronica hasn't been very helpful and dosent follow the ground rules I moved the wedding to be in 2 days", everyone in the room gasped except Veronica, she looked hurt and sad, I felt bad for her I mean to come to a new environment and to being forced to a marriage she didn't want to be in must really hurt, I'm just glad Niall hasn't said anything about the wedding.
Everything will be okay Eliza, you'll love Niall soon.
Dammit Lou, why do you even bother listening to my mind, go away!!
Listen, I know I shouldn't be the one to tell you this but your wedding is to be scheduled in 2 weeks, so you better behave yourself unless you want to end up like Veronica there.
Why me, I'm just a plain Human and know nothing about vampires.
You'll learn later on
Just leave my thoughts Tomlinson OKAY BYE
I can't get married in 2 weeks, I don't even know how to do the mating process or anything, all have to ask Niall.
Once we finished dinner, Niall and I walked up the stairs to our, once he opened the door I sat down on the bed. "Hey Niall, you never told me what your power was?" "Oh well i can read minds and fly"" Why do you have two?" "Because im irish" he said smirking, "You havent heard my thoughts right?","Not yet princess, i can only hear my mates mind once we share our first kiss together","oh well thats not going to happen" i said about to laugh, "Sooner or later princess youll see". "how does the Mating process work Niall?","Well you see princess, once we get married all have to drink from your blood and you'll have to drink from mine, all then all be in control of you, you'll do all my commands, since I'm the male in the relationship." "So I won't have any say in this relationship?" " Sorry sweetheart".
I couldn't believe it, I don't want some guy I just meet to make all my life decisions. I just had to escape someway but how?¿
I decided to put my pj's on and go to sleep. I got into bed and laid my head thinking of a way to leave this hell hole, but how. I later on fell asleep thinking. I woke up and ate breakfast afterwards Perrie and Sophia wanted to have and All girls sleepover in the girl room, only because of Veronicas last day of being a Bachelorette. 
We all made it to the room and sat in the movie room inside.
"So Veronica, you excited to become Mrs.Styles?" Sophia asked, "Not really, I feel sad and just miss home", I felt the same way all though I can take it, I don't show much emotion sometimes, I'm strong I guess you can say.
"It's okay, trust me, Perrie and I felt the same way when we first got here, but it got better once we gave it time."
Veronica seemed to do better after that. We were all watching ,Finding Nemo when we ran out of popcorn, "Hey guys all go make some more popcorn, Eliza can you come with me" "Sure", Veronica and I went to the snack room inside the girls room and looked for popcorn bags.
Veronica grabbed me the arm and dragged me to the nearby closet, she closed the door and whispered, "I'm planning on Escaping tonight, once the girls go to sleep, you In?"

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