Her Book

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She back on this trip to go diving near the seaside. Another reason why she end up on that schedule because she never be on waterpark. Instead of waterpark, she always finally end up at the sea.

Before she sails the boat, she heard the news. Terror and nature disaster. People afraid. They kept saying the most terrifying thing worst than human is nature.

As she starts looking to the ocean wave hitting the big rocks around the beach, the voice and the smell of water are actually comforting like nothing to be afraid of. Of course she needs a tour-guide on a boat and so the journey begins.

The tour-guide, she never meant to get to know deeper. But it seems like the tour-guide knows the issue which keeps tremble in her heart. Its always seen on her eyes.

As the boat already in the middle of the sea, she saw so many other boats, rounding around but also most of them are half-sinking.

"What are these people doing here?" She asked. The tour-guide also wondered so the boat sailed to near the boats.

She started to see people, in every boat, each family-each boat. They all using coat buoy. Because the boats were sinking.

She came to one of the boat, a couple of elder and a middle-age woman. The elders look very tired and the waters soak them half-wet. While the middle-age woman already prepare of everything like a hair cap and float bag, tho she also wearing her float coat. The woman might be a swimmer.

"What's happening?"

"We are rescued from natural disaster. A tsunami," said the old man.

"Its better saved in here,now," said the old woman, "Not the land or ground."

She comes to the middle-age woman, play swimming outside the sinking-boat.

"Its alright. I prepare of everything. I'll take care of them, I'll bring them to the shore," the woman said.

"But they all tired," She worried.

There's a glimpse of the woman's face which found she also doesn't want to go any sooner to land.

"The disaster was all behind. What are you frighting?"

"They won't stop, now. The hunting is starting," the woman said.

Its actually really creepy. To see how the woman explained what's gonna come and how worse actually the natural disaster they've been through on their back homeland.

The tour-guide holds her hand to comeback to her own boat. She back to her own boat and continue the half way to the mainland, London.

"We're arrived at the diving spot." Said the tour-guide.

She replied, "I actually has this fright with the ocean wave around the rocks."

"Its alright. I keep watch in you." The tour-guide was very convincing. She went silent. She just keep staring the water and how the water breaks through the rocks.

"It will be fun." Tour-guide smiled. She said, "Okay." She already took a class how to breathe longer enough under the water, she the top of the class because its swimming pool not salted-ocean. She jumps out from the boat.

And, the waves take her far from the boat, so fast, "Help, help." She end up hitting this big rock. Thankfully, she keeps her head above the water and her hands held onto the rock as hard as she can, "Help, help."

The tour-guide jumps out from the boat and saved her, "I got you, I got you."

"I...told you," her mouth shaken between the water, "Its cold."

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