chapter 1

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The Bad Boy Asked Me Out

Chapter 1

Hi! My name is Samantha, but you can call me Sam. I have medium length blonde hair and sea-blue eyes, you could call me an introvert. I'm about an average height for a seventeen year old, so you might think I'm almost perfect. Except, I look like a vampire. I'm pale AF.
I have a little sister who is very loud and somehow she has got ALL the good genes: long blonde hair, blue blue eyes and super tanned skin-SO unfair. Also she has got more friends than you can probably count.

I, however, am not popular. At all.


Opening my eyes to the terrifying sound of my alarm clock, I immediately regret watching Breaking Bad till 1 in the morning last night. I untwist my arm from the warm blanket and proceed to smack my alarm clock until it stops. I lie in bed a little while longer contemplating death over school, but after figuring out what day it is, I begin to smile.You see, our school has art class after school today and well, I love art. Not only because there's hardly any work there, but because there are some real hot guys. Joh.... I sound desperate. But anyway, let me introduce them to you. There's Ethan: the tall one with the blue eyes and brown hair. There's Luke: the short, tanned boy with blonde hair and green eyes. Then there's Tanner. The school bad boy. Let me rephrase that: The hottest, most sexy, carved from God himself, handsome, beautiful...


After thinking about the sex gods for some time I decide to get up. I start to unravel myself from my warm bed and walked out of my room to food heaven *my kitchen*.

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