Power ceremony

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"Ah, Isabella" Aro greets me, taking my hand in his to place a chaste kiss upon it. A small grim look appears on his face and I realise he tried to use his gift on me.

I lightly laugh as I pull my hand from his. "Master, you know that your, as well as anyone else's, gift will not work upon me." I say. He chuckles nodding his head.

"I know" he says smiling.

He looks to the large grandfather clock on our right, as it strikes twelve.

A bright smile lights all four of our faces as it is time to start to the coronation. All three of them bid there goodbyes as they leave to take the stage.

I make my way back stage to watch. Before the crowning there will be acts, acts of the guard demonstrating there gifts. They do this to show each coven how powerful the volturi is. I will have to do a demonstration of my gifts. Yes, gifts. I am both a mental and physical shield, as well as I am able to control the elements.

With my mental shield I am able to block powers that involve your mind. Such as janes gift of pain, it has no effect on me. Aro nor Edward can see into my mind and others wont be able to manipulate it with a power that they may conceive in this world and life.

My physical shield is different. I am able to block the physical attacks. I extend my shield into a silver bubble that in cases me in it. Along with my mental shield, my physical shield is able to cover me and anyone I will it to cover. When someone is inside my shield I am able to telepathically talk to them as well as here their thoughts, they can do the same, if I bend my shield for them to do so. No one but me is able to leave my shield without me having to bend it.

My power to control the elements is simple. I just think of which element, water, fire,earth and air, and then I can bend it with my mind. I can make each element from nothing, it will just be able to create a form from my palms. Having this power makes me immune to fire so it will be much more difficult to kill me.

Jane and Alec get called out together to demonstrate their powers. The two of them are known as the witch twins. They may seem innocent with their young looks, but if you get on their bad side you'd wish you were dead already.

Alec used his power before jane, black smoke started its way out of alecs hands.First he took Santiago's eye sight, Santiago had volunteered to be the 'dummy' for each power. Then he took his sense to hear, feel then taste. Santiago was left numb and laying on the ground with no control over his body. Alec was in control.

Next was jane. Alec pulled his power back to him as he stood to the side to watch his sister. Jane stood in front of him as she said the one deadly word.


Santiago dropped two the ground, Withering in pain. He was trying to hold in his cried but failed as a bloodcurdling scream escaped his lips. Before anything more could happen jane stopped. A twisted smile appeared on her face causing me to giggle lowly.
Her eyes flicked to mine as a small smile appeared on her face, but suddenly dropped. I laughed the tiniest bit louder, shaking my head at my friends failed attempt to use her gift on me.

"Young jane here, is able to control the level of pain she washes over her victim and is able to conflict it to more then one person at a time" aro says aloud.

Peoples eyes went wide as the two left the stage. Everyone else had already gone and it was my turn. Chelsea came over and handed me my volturi robe. I quickly put it on and pulled the hood over my head, covering my face from the crowd, keeping my identity a secret until the right time.

"Now the moment you have all been waiting for. Will the soon to be crowned queen please step on stage?" Aro says. I walk out on stage, keeping my head low. I stop when I reach the right side of aro.

"Our future queen here is quite special. She holds not one, but two gifts." He announces to the crowd. A few gasps were heard through out the crowd as this was being said.

"Will the guard please bring out the dummy?" Caius asks. Heidi walks out with Santiago beside her. Marcus chuckles.

"An actual dummy" Caius says being more specific. A small smile covers heidis plump lips as she nods leaving the stage with Santiago. She appears again in a millisecond holding a dummy in her hand. She walks onto stage and places it in front of me.

"One of Our soon to be queens gift is known as a shield. Both mental and physical. She can block both mental gifts and physical attacks. Please demonstrate for us, my dear" aro says turning towards me. I nod my head as I concentrate on the dummy that is placed in front of me.

In an instant a silver bubble appears around the dummy. I make it smaller, slowly squeezing the dummy until it is about to pop. Right before it does that I stop.

"Why did you stop, Young one?" Marcus asks.

"Because I still need to demonstrate the other way my shield will kill" I reply.

I then wrap my shield around me, slowly I extend it out towards the dummy. Once my shield has the dummy against the wall I slice it into pieces. The once full pieced dummy is now on the floor in shreds.

The whole crowds eyes go wide before a round of clapping is heard.

"Mental shield now, my dear" aro says. I nod my head as jane steps onto the stage.

She looks at me square in the eyes as I nod my head, indicating I'm ready.

"Pain" she says aloud. Everyone watches in anticipation and anxiousness as I stand there. They all expect me to fall on the ground, withering in pain like the rest, but no. Nothing.

Again the is another applause from the crowd.

"Wonderful, wonderful" aro praises. I smile at him, although no one can see it.

I then turn to a random person in the crowd as everyone goes silent. I still keep my head down as I do this.

I wrap my shield around the person as I communicate with them.

'Try hunting criminals, and not so much innocents' I tell them telepathically. Thats the thing with me, I only hunt criminals such as; rapists, murderers, drug dealers, hoes and very rarely the terminally ill.

"Wow.......did you hear that?" The guy asks the girl next to him, a wide eyed expression on his face.

Aro chuckles. "Thats another thing her mental and physical shield can do."

I chuckle and turn towards the dummy. I then use my ability to control air and bring the pieces of the dummy towards me. A few 'ahs' and 'woahs' were heard throughout the crowd as I did this. I dropped the pieces to the floor, they land right in front of me. I use my fire power and ignite the pieces then put the flames out with my water manipulation power. I use my air manipulation again to blow the ashes away.

The crowd erupts into a loud round of clapping and whistling.

"Who are you?" A girl calls out. I look towards aro before taking my hood off.


Something about this new queen pulls me in. Her sent is intoxicating, almost familiar too. No one knows who it is yet, she keeps her hood over her face and her head down.

She seems so mysterious and I want to know more. She just finished demonstrating her elemental control when a girl calls out something.

"Who are you?" She says. This gets everyones attention and we all quieten down as the queen takes off her hood.

There were lots of gasps as the cullens, denalis, and myself recognise who the queen is.


A/N: cliffy........ Anyways i know jaspers point of view was short, but hey, better than nothing, right? This is my new book go check out my others on my page.



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