This is my prayer for you. :)

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Heavenly Father, thank You for his/her life. We know, Father God that You have plans but greater plans for his/her life. I pray to give this person smiles when sadness intrudes, laughter to kiss his/her lips, hugs when spirits sag, friendships to brighten his/her being, confidence when he/she doubts, courage to know himself/herself, comfort on difficult days, rainbows to follow the clouds, sunsets to warm his/her heart, beauty for his/her eyes to see, faith so that he/she can believe, patience to accept the truth,  and love to complete his/her life. Continually bless him/her and their family and friends. Always guide them and send thousands of Your holy angels that will protect them. Let this child of Yours be filled with the Holy Spirit and be able to serve You. Thank You God for everything. In the sweet name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, Amen.

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