Chapter 2: Battle

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When I arrived she was already there. Then she spoke " Well! I was waiting here for you!!" "Sorry!! I fell asleep. Anyway, why did you call me?" "I was bored so, how about a battle?" "Yeah sure!!" I said enthusiastically. "You ready Audino?" She said tossing out a luxury ball. And there we go! A battle!

"Well I'm not gonna use audino on this one..Chika!! Let's go!" She threw a pokéball. It released a green Pokémon with buds on it's neck and a giant leaf on top of it's head. I bit my lip "Well pretty obvious who'll I use" I pressed the button on a pokéball and let him out. A Pokémon with big red eyes and brown feathers appeared. It has only one leg and some black things on it's head. "Hoootproot!!" "Hoothoot ready for battle?" He flew to the center of the battlefeild.

She looked left and right and she saw Jacie, one of her assistants in healing, then she called her to come. The aide sped forward "What is it Cathy?" "Mind being the referee??"she said with a smile. "Sure, not many patients today." She walked to the middle of the field. "This will be a 2 on 2 battle if both of the trainer's Pokémon can't battle the other one's the victor. Ready!! The battle will start in 3,2,1 GO!!!"

"I'll start off! Hoothoot, tackle and then double team!" The owl Pokémon hit the chikorita with a strong tackle then made illusory copies of himself. "Chika!! Focus.. Not all illusions are perfect." The leaf Pokémon looked carefully and saw the differences. "Chiko!" She let loose a stream of leaves going straight to hoothoot causing the illusion to fade.

"Hoothoot, use gust!!" My Hoothoot flapped his wings rapidly making a strong gust of wind. The gust of wind hit the chikorita. She walked around, looks like she's dizzy. "Now! Use confusion!" My Pokémon's eyes glowed as he used the attack. Then suddenly chikorita was lifted up in the air and was slammed into the ground. Yes! She's confused.

"Chika! Use razor leaf!" The nurse commanded. But she slammed herself onto the wall. She must be seeing hoothoots right by the wall. "Use tackle!" Hoothoot did what I told and sped towards to her. "Quick! Defend with reflect!" The leaf Pokémon recovered from confusion and created an invisible wall. Hoothoot bumped into the barrier and failed to do any damage at all.

"Try to break through with gust!" Once again he started flapping and created a strong gust of wind. Stronger than before. After a few seconds the barrier shattered like glass. "Razor leaf!" "Gust!!" The two attacks collided and created an explosion... Weird.... Apparently wind and leaves make giant explosions now..

"Hypnosis!!" I commanded, The owl Pokémon stared at the chikorita creating red circular rays from his eyes. After a moment she fell asleep. "Now!! Use tackle!" He sped towards Chika again but the attack looks different. His wings are glowing and increased in size. I know what attack this is.... Wing attack... The move was enough to send Chika flying and made her faint.

"Great job, take a rest you deserve it.." She said returning her to the pokeball. "Yeah! I won!" I shouted as the owl pokemon flew around. "This next one won't be as easy." "Dunno?" I shrugged.

"Audino! Let's win this!" Her partner jogged to the middle of the stadium. "Let's do it!" Hoothoot nodded.

"3.... 2.................. And.........-." "Just stop the suspension and say it!" I said annoyed. "Okay.. Why'd you have spoil my fun."

"3.. 2.. 1.. Begin!"

"Hoothoot! Use wing attack!" "Audino! Attract!" The hearing pokemon stared at my Pokémon with adorable eyes.
Hoothoot stopped for a moment and then got infatuated.

"Use return!" It was kinda like tackle except it's stronger when the Pokémon is more attached to it's trainer and let's just say Cathy brushes Audino's fur very often... After the attack hoothoot was flattened like a pancake. My jaw dropped. I pulled his pokeball from my pocket and returned him.

"You deserve a good rest... Not like Rest In Peace or anything.." I said to the pokeball. "Okay! Bud! Let's do our best!!"
My dark type Pokémon ran to the stadium and let out a giant roar.

"3................ 2................ 1................... Wait? What's next to one?" She chuckled as she annoyed  us.. Well me, Cathy was Laughing Out Loud. I gave Jacie a nasty leer. "3..2..1.. GO!!"

"Okay! Use razor wind!" My partner summoned a gust of wind which turned into tornadoes beside him. Then he swung his sharp blade on his head and let loose razor-like winds. Duh. The attack hit audino and had a critical hit.

"Use attract!" Cathy said. Lots of hearts appeared and surrounded my Pokémon. After a while he was in love.... "Use shadow claw!!" He snapped out of it and started to attack. We were used to it when we always go to lovely cave.
We are the best!!

And crap.. I noticed... Shadow claw is a ghost type move hence it has no effect... I looked at her and blushed as her audino wasn't affected by the attack. "I paniced okay!!" I said embarrassed. She winked. I looked down still blushing.

Absol gave me a small grin. I looked at both of them. "Can we please continue the battle!!" I shouted. Even Jacie was laughing. "Use dark ball!" My partner attacked with a ball of darkness when the opponent was vulnerable. "Use razor wind!" Once again he followed my order and slashed another blade of wind.

The attack hit audino and made her faint. Cathy returned her Pokémon and went to Jacie. "That was a great battle!!"
I grinned. "I'm gonna go back to the base with Jacie!" She said. "Kay!" I replied

"Oh yeah there's a fireworks display later at night! Wanna watch it with me at the beach!" I blushed. "Sure.."


Eek! Lots of romance!!! Ok!! First of all sorry for not updating my story often... I really apologize...
But if I get some inspiring quotes and stuff.. Maybe I will update more often... Preview time!!

Next episode:

"The message"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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