The Beginning Of The End

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It was a nice warm sunny day, the sun was out, the wind was quietly blowing, and I was dripping in zombie blood. Ripping off zombie heads was a nice way to start the day, the sound of the blood gushing out , the spinal cord being ripped in two even the skull cracking beneath my feet was a lovely sound, I have grown quite accustomed to all this bloodshed, I have been bitten by zombies countless times in the past two and a half years while tracking down Death, I like being immune to the bites and the pain, it gives me a nice chance to play with them before a wipe them out of existence. Although killing zombies was fun, tracking down Death is starting to piss me off I haven’t picked up a single trace of him in the last six months, I was starting to give up hope, so I headed off to the nearest inn in search for bandages and alcohol. After walking for thirty minutes I came across a sign saying ‘Smugglers Inn – 11k’ so off I went in the direction of the inn. Eleven kilometres later I finally came across the inn, I opened the door and found that all the alcohol was taken “bastards” I thought to myself, but as I was about to leave I found a man laying on the bench of the bar with his stomach ripped open, hanging from his left side was a first aid kit, hoping that it isn’t empty I stepped over all the piles of dead bodies towards the small kit, and to my delight it hasn’t been opened. I took what I required and headed on my way north “if Death will be anywhere he will be in sal’ kharad” I said to myself. I estimate that it would take me about three and a half weeks to get to sal’ kharad, so I picked up what little supplies I had left and continued on walking.

Three and a half weeks later I finally reached the gates of sal’ kharad, it used to be over populated, full of life with merchants on each side of the path, the road was filled with people, horses, and caravans but now it’s just an empty deserted hell hole. The walls and building are painted red with blood and bodies are stacked by the dozen across the road “it seems Death has already been here” I thought “hopefully he hasn’t left”. While searching for Death I noticed that only half the bodies on the ground are dead the other half are zombies laying on the ground not noticing that I am there, “I better get past them quietly” I said “wouldn’t want to wake them up and alert Death of my appearance”, so off I crept walking down alley ways and through buildings, keeping clear of any body and hiding around a corner if there is any movement. After hours of searching and searching thousands of buildings I came across a brothel, not knowing why Death would be in a brothel I entered inside anyway. As I got inside I noticed every whore in the brothel was fully naked and hanging from the ceiling by their toes, and just like before Death was sitting in the corner of the room having a drink while his scythe leaned up against the wall, but unlike before I didn’t have the element of surprise on my side. He put his cup down grabbed his scythe and turned around to look at me “surprised to see me?” I asked “well, well, well it’s not every day that I get to kill the same person twice” he replied with a smile on his face.

As Death approached me I stepped back pretending to be scared, but before I could get into the open he jumped towards me knocking me down, then he reached down wrapping his bony hand around my throat lifting me up of the ground and with his other hand he pushed his finger against my forehead, just like last time the only difference is it didn’t work as he planned it to, instead the was a black spark and a felt a surge of power rush through my body, the look on Deaths face was incredible, he looked shocked and angry that it didn’t work, it was an awesome feeling knowing that the bone headed cock had failed, “you seem to be losing your touch, bone man” I said with a smile on my face, but Death just smiled, a creepy smile he obviously had another plan up his sleeve, he threw me up against a wall, raised his scythe and said something in a foreign language, then the scythe had a green aura around it I felt my blood bubbling inside my stomach and a voice inside my head was telling me that he is trying to drain life and soul, while he was in a trance I decided to strike.

My fist struck the side of his head leaving a huge split from his left eye to his left ear, he came out of his trance immediately with an angry look on his face he rammed the scythe into my stomach and with a single twitch of the eye he blew me thru several buildings and into the statue of Poseidon, the god of the sea, and along with the statue I crashed into the ground in front of the church, as Death moved closer I was trying to find a way of killing him, then it came to me, if demons can’t survive inside a holy place then maybe Death cant either “it’s worth a shot” I muttered, by the time I got to my feet he was already on top of me, hacking and slashing with his scythe, every time the scythe was swung a serious amount of energy was released causing the earth to shake, the ground to crack and rips in the universe. Death picked me up with one hand and swung the scythe in the other, but before the blade touched me I disapparated along with Death, we didn’t teleport far, in fact we only teleported into the church that was standing behind us only moments ago. When we got back onto the ground I was stumbling around trying to stand up straight, but Death was on the ground in pain, and he was burning up by the second, “it seems you can’t handle holy places” I said with a smile on my face “this time you’re going down”. I stood over Death put my foot to his face and slammed it into the ground, while holding him down I bent over picked up his scythe and raised it, but before I could cut his head off he pushed his into my stomach and whispered an incantation, his hand glowed dark for a second then shot thru my stomach and out the other side, I hit the ground in a hurry blood dripping out of my mouth and stomach, my eyes were bulging, I couldn’t even see past my hand, everything was blurry then I lost my hearing, next it was my sense of smell, after that everything went black, but it wasn’t over, no not yet I could still feel the blood trickling down my chin, so with the last energy I had left in my body I raised the scythe and sliced Deaths head in half.

It has been two years since the fight with Death, and now he has left this world, I now carry the weapon and the power of death, I have his scythe and the ring of death, I have travelled all across America cleaning up the mess, killing every zombie that moves, searching for survivors. Three and a half years later all the zombies has been removed from America and twelve thousand people have been recovered and brought back to full health. Another three years has passed and the population was slowly increasing.


I am now thirty years old, I have been married for two years I have a one year old son and a six month old daughter, when my son is old enough to understand the events that has happened I hope he will complete the mission and stop the zombie apocalypse. I hope when he gets older he understands why I had to kill myself in order to protect them from what I am becoming. I was visited by Satan and he wasn’t happy that I didn’t follow orders, he has put a curse on me, I was slowly turning into a creature of the deep, I was worried I would start the apocalypse all over again, so Loki, my son, I leave you the ring of death and the scythe to help you on your journey to finding the other three horseman.

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